This is a pretty good book, it has some unusual diseases you can inflict upon your players. Its a small file which can be useful. The price isn't too bad either. It is well worth it. I like the 101 series.
This is a great product everybody except Jeff liked it. It has a lot of cool information on old drinks (I agree with their findings on modern drinks even though some of them surpass the 15 maximum; especially on Rum. Bacardi 151 has killed people who drank too much of it). They have a lot of cool new drinks. Where the book fails is with their "Fantastic Drinks" they weren't as interesting as they could be. The artwork was okay but could have been better. These guys put out good products. I'll buy from them again.
This book is a step in the right direction. But the execution is sorely lacking. Many of these tomplates are overpowered. The Dreadnaught certainly fits into this catergory. With more examination I might find something I like. I wasn't impressed.
Roman Name Tables like all the Name Tables is a good product. I have them all. The only problem is that each book is so long at about 90 pages each. They sure help you make up a name though. I've used them a lot