Simply the best character sheet ever.
A guy like myself, removed all the unnecessary stuff fromt he first page and maximised the space for more stuff to get in. saved me a ton of time recreating my own sheet. thanks for this one, awesome work continu like this, i love it !
I was intrigued because my players wanted monsters and instead of doing classes races would be greater. so this is definitely a good way to understand how you can downgrade monsters and make them races instead. Unfortunately most of these are just the creature taken as is from the monster manual and reduced to their basic stuff. meaning that most of these races are totally overpowered and would literally make the first 5-6 levels of the game actually carry other regular players.
Exemple: Dexterity Marilith who literally can have +5 AC at all times. mix that up to Mage and get her to literally 35 AC at about level 8, thanks to bladesong, haste and max dex and intellect and Mage armor. thats not even looking at the fact that 6 arms means players will just try to wield X amount of shields or X amount of swords.
While certain races looks terribly downgraded, aka succubus without etherealness and a single charm per day. other races like dragons and other fiends are terribly strong. saying the DM needs to allow it first is an understatement because no sane DMs will ever allow anybody to take a monster as is. which is what this book seems to do.
All that said certain races are totally playable from this angle. they were downgraded enough to be playable. mostly the easy to downgrade races. others who have gotten literally weaknesses to bring them more in line. like the tiny creatures.
so heres the final thought...
- some good races mostly those who had not much abilities
- semblance of balance based on the stats used and the way its written.
- enormous choice for players wanting monsters.
- some of these races are extremely unbalanced
- not much effort in trying to bring the abilities down when they were too strong.
- leaves everything in the DMs hand and literally tells players not to use these races.
Overall it could of been much much better.
this is a good base and should be used by DMs wanting a start into making monsters something for his players, but its not entirely there yet.
Very good system, Way to complex for 5E.
Its reminiscent of 3E complicated crafting mechanics.
But its even more complex.
Only problem is the cost in gold... 30 hours to build a full plate is way way too fast !
Otherwise very great work, definitely gonna use this in my campaign.
1gp per hour is much closer to what reality would take to build said stuff.
1500gp full plate = 62.5 days
15gp rapier = 2 days
Works with tables instead of formula.
uses the DMG guide basic days to build stuff
Good work done, but doesn't make sense without formula.
just look at the table and you are done.
This requires another guide.
Very Uncomplete work.
I like the ideas behind it, but it somehow feels like its taking the fighters superiority dice and just combine them into the bard. still its a great archetype, not too great to outshine the others and not too weak to not take it. the ability to give bardic inspiration in one fell swoop is awesome too. overall this deserve the 4 stars, but i can't give the last one just because the it resembles too much of the warrior.
I think the wand feature may be too abusive. i mean that basically givess off numerous spell slot more, while they are for a single spell in itself its like giving the player 3-7 more spell slots. which is huge considering the items that do gives off these things are all rare or very rare to begin with. aside from that, i really like the class, and its really near what i wanted to do with the updated 3E to 5E class. The lack of special table giving at least a good idea of what kind of money would be used for item creation is what makes me remove a star. aside fromt hat great thing might just enable it into my campaign and im usually not the kind to use things made by people. so great work on this one.
Great adventure, you seemed to have problem managing it on screen. Keep working, you should make a great DM. Really like the idea behind this, read this entirely and it gives off ideas to similar adventures that i should do with my players. Keep doing this, great ideas are worth sharing !
I really loved how you DMed mister Krahulik, do more of these too, i love a good suspence.
you are material for DMing for sure. and can't wait to see more of these adventures you do.
Thanks for such a great adventure.
Awesome Book, really like how this ended up, definitely gonna use this in my campaigns.
the only reason i gave it 4 out of 5 stars is simply because it lacks of a way for the dhampir to regenerates its hit dices. usually a player uses the hit dices to surges thru his hit points. but with the race using the most of the hit dices it means it has no way to regenrates life based on it. and since hit dices regenerates only half of it of them after a long rest, that means the dhampir is stuck with only half hit dices all the times. all of those makes the race really really weak mechanically. they already have sunlight sensitivity which sucks badly on its own. also there is one mecanic that the dhampir is missing, and thats his bloodlust or bite attack to drain blood. because dhampir do have the curse of the bloodlust. so as a way to counter act the problem of hit dices, i'd have them have a bite attack, that if sucessfull on a creature, they can use their action to drain hit dices from the victim and add them to their own.
- great stuff, but missing a crucial mechanic. that is the bite of the dhampir to regain hit dices.
I downloaded this in hope it would help me enable my players into enchanting stuff and the likes. but most of whats in this book enchanting wise is not worth it. this may be the power gamer in me thats talking, but honestly if i dont want any of these enchantments then i wonder if any of my players would. i had hoped it would be using the abilities in the handbooks instead. like the old flaming, frost or basically any burst in the DMG. as for masterwork items, there is really no need for such items considering that the +1 items are all mostly common and uncommons in the settings. the game is designed without magic items to begin with and masterwork items just add this not really needed level of confusion.
Overall this book isn't really worth it.
- Masterwork items aren't needed and too gimicky
- enchants aren't really worth the trouble to do them.
Still its well done in its way and thought of, and thus i give it 2 stars for the work.
Awesome, thanks for this. i was wondering about special events, moon phases and the likes as i created my own, this definitely is worth it. awesome stuff for anybody wanting a calendar without the hassle of making it yourself. wish i had seen this before i started mine. now i'm definitely gonna use that one. thanks for the work man !
I mainly took this for the magic item section about prices and setting up shops. that alone is well worth it, it really helped me flesh out magic shops. what i do dislike is that all those things are better done in a software on your phone or tablet. because its taking a lot of time to set up shops on the spot and really slows the game down. but aside from that, really good book i recommend it to everyone who just want to learn more about how to make your game that much true. just make your stuff before hand create a few things, then you are ready to go in your game.
Great stuff worth the read !
Gotten these, awesome stuff, i like giving the card to my players instead of just telling them which page to look for it. even more because i hate showing them the DMs guide for it. there is however one single problem in these cards. the description text is either too big a square or totally unneeded. when i give this card to a player what i want is for him to know what the thing can do, not what it looks like. and some objects have so much stuff to do that the effect box is just not enough. so honestly i'd remove the description box entirely. or at least make it 20% description and 80% effect. not 50/50 like it is right now.
Aside fromt hat, i really like it and i'll definitely be using this.
thanks !