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Map Pack: The RPG Toolbox Vol 1 $0.99
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Map Pack: The RPG Toolbox Vol 1
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Map Pack: The RPG Toolbox Vol 1
Publisher: Dimensions Game Software
by Brian T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2012 13:53:28

This "product" had no instructions on how to access the data sheets, so perhaps I am just too dumb to use it. It came with a text file and a folder of data sheets and imagines. The data sheets were text also, and all the text files contained were links or buttons- none of which I could get to work. Since there are some good reviews of this product, I assume it works somehow, it just would have been nice to know what I needed to do to access the information before I wasted $2 on this and the World Generator. Dimensions Game Software are currently at the top of my "POS" list. This is a family site or I'd explain what POS stands for. Total waste!

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Map Pack: The RPG Toolbox Vol 1
Publisher: Dimensions Game Software
by Max D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/18/2012 11:25:58

A very simple tool, but it's where its beauty lies. With its combination of low price and ease of use, I think it is perfect for beginner GMs who may not yet want to invest in expensive complex tools but who do not want to rely on someone else's maps either. You only need a browser and a paint app (to save the result, because unfortunately apart from taking a screenshot, there appears to be no other way). The tiles look nice, especially the islands. The bigger islands/coasts are best created by hand one tile at a time, and as for other generators, I found that using the random generator set to low percent density creates the "framework" that you can fill in further and edit. It also looks like it is possible to make your own tiles or edit the ones that come with the tool, if you're a creative user, as they are stored as simple image files.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Map Pack: The RPG Toolbox Vol 1
Publisher: Dimensions Game Software
by Singh K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2012 18:50:22

Really? These little scripts are considered a product? If you found these on a website, you probably wouldn't bookmark it.

What you have a grids, with a bunch of connecting rudimentary tiles, some with bends, someone with 'chambers', some with intersections. It can randomly populate the grid with these tiles. The end result is very crude.

But then, it's only .99 cents. Save your buck for something else.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Map Pack: The RPG Toolbox Vol 1
Publisher: Dimensions Game Software
by Alan W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/20/2003 00:00:00

An interesting product, but of little real worth. Yes, you can plug together some tile sets to create maps, but you cannot save them, or print them, except along with the rest of the html page. Oh, well. At least it was cheap.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Since this is a browser-based program; all browser functions apply. That means, if someone just wants to print the map, all they have to do is highlight the map (or even just a portion of the map) then select "Print Selection" from the printer menu (instead of clicking "Print All"). If anyone ever has a technical problem, please contact the programmer (
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