Very standard dungeon pieces here, versatile enough to create any standard dungeon layout.
Darwins world has captured my imagination like no post-apocalyptic game since the early editions of Gamma World. A great buy, good production quality. Includes printer friendly pdfs as well as full color.
Artwork? Great. Classes? Intriguing. Gives you a reason to look forward to armageddon!
If you suffer from a lack of organization as a gm, this product can save you. Several documents in this pack are of questionable usefulness for most campaigns (such as class and race variations) but others, like NPC lists and event logs, can help turn the most scatterbrained dm into an organized one!
YES! Thank the powers for the re-release of the old AD&D books as pdfs. If all you want is the source material for the planescape setting, and are not a collector, avoid paying $75+ on ebay for Hellbound. The pdf version has everything that came in the original box set.
As usual with the battlemaps series, the artwork is fantastic, but you receive a smaller number of rooms, and the detail is such that your players will remember them if you use them more than once.
No frills battle maps. Art work is not spectacular, but it does its job.
Great for small cave or tunnel complexes, mines, etc... no big rooms - but it is called cave passages after all! Several smaller rooms are provided though, for some truly claustrophobic encounters.
Least versatile of the e-adventure line, but still very good. Smaller number of tiles than usual, but quality is quite good.
I love this set! Partial walls provide interesting line of sight possibilities. Gives the players and gm an opportunity to use some truly tactical thinking.
Very attractive maps, but a victim of their own detail. Your players will notice if you reuse some of the tiles. Still, very good product.
Use with other outdoor tilesets for truly unique outdoor encounters. Includes fairy rings and druidic circles.
Good tileset, can be used really for any kind of fortified lair, or perhaps even a castle.
Fantastic, as usual for this publisher. Use with regular cave tileset or sewers to create a truly huge underground complex.
Art quality is very, very good. Selection of player character type minis is a bit limited, but still a great alternative to metal minis.