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Valiant Universe RPG: Transcendent's Edge

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Valiant Universe RPG: Transcendent\'s Edge
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Valiant Universe RPG: Transcendent's Edge
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by Blide S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/24/2016 18:10:57

This is, without a doubt, the single best-written superhero setting sourcebook I have ever purchased. As a long time gamer of super settings, I have bought several good products on this website; but this is the first I have been compelled to review.

It is that good. I simply cannot say enough about the craftmanship of the writing. The reader can become immersed in this setting. You will be drawn in by the city description, the depth of the NPCs, the structure of the various organizations, and even the municipal politics. The deepweb chatter inserted from time to time regarding plans within plans of the big bad guys and their shadow groups was an especially nice touch.

The material is fun to read, the setting is original, and the details are well explained. Bravo!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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