This was a top notch product that i believe really provides a lot of the background necessary to really "play" a Vargr character in any campaign. I've gotten all of these supplements and wouldnt pass up the opportunity to get more background informaton for my campaign, whatever era i'm working.
While it is cool to see the original draft of the AHL, i guess i really wasnt all that impressed with this. I really have never figured out how to actually use this in my adventure yet, but im sure something will come to me someday.
It's just right for the price. The listing is good, but looking at it, i probably wouldnt invest heavily in these since i could have come up with my own names just as well.
One of my all time favorites as far as Traveller adventures go. I loved the sense of adventure that this product brings and i just never have been able to NOT include it in any campaign that i have run over the years.
Scan quality is excellent and the flow of the adventure builds to a nice ending.
As far as negatives go, i think the only thing that i wish had been included was a fully developed list of species to flesh out the encounter charts. That's a standard issue i have with almost all adventures that i have seen that have come out for Traveller over the years.
You can't go wrong with this adventure and it really does add a lot of intrigue to your campaign.
Think of this more like a Classic Traveller "starter kit" than anything else.
I liked the document for the background that it provided, but always felt like there should have been more included to flesh it out and make it a stand alone product. As it is, it really isnt more than background information. That being said, it was never really intended to be anything other than that.
In my mind, i would skip this one entirely and go with the full fledged scenarios themselves.
While there are some very interesting parts to this product, it is another of the products that just didnt really catch my interest. I think the majority of my lack of excitement for it was the setting. If you remove the setting and the background from this, i believe that you would have a story that would fit into any campaign. It would just need a lot of work to make it fit.
Again, this is really my personal preference more than anything with regards to the way that the designers laid out the sector and subsector setting.
This adventure for the most part is OK. My main problems with this installment is that is just feels stilted. When i read it or try to have someone play through it, i always just see "Lawrence of Arabia in space". I wish i could shake it but i cant. The fact that i see it this way makes it hard for me to make it believable to my players. This is probably the main reason that I really havent run this one in a long long time.
Maps are decent quality but as with many of the FASA adventures, the text quality of the pdf when printing leaves something to be desired.
I can't knock this one because of a personal predjudice, but i cant really endorse it either. If you are interested in a setting a little bit different, this is it, but any old timers may run into the same problem i did.
I really liked this product and always hoped that FASA would have produced the Second in this series. Oh well, i guess i'll never know.
In any event, i liked the layouts for this hotel comlex. I've used these in myriad ways to make up my starport receiving areas, corporate headquarters and city living areas. These really dont need much added to work these into any campaign.
Overall excellent value, just remember to go with the bundle if you are looking for maps of all kinds.
As a big fan of the FASA deck plan sets, i was appreciative that they devoted an entire set to the Aslan. The Aslan were always kind of hard for me to envision in terms of ships, and i liked most of the ships that are in this package.
That being said, i was disappointed that there wasnt the variety that i had come to expect/ rely upon from FASA. I'm not saying they should have just thrown in a few more for the hallibut, but it would have been nice to have some variation.
Overall, excellent product. I would recommend buying the bundle if you want/need them all.
As with the other FASA deckplan sets, i liked this one. I was a bit disappointed that there wasnt more "there... there" if you get my drift, but when bought in a bundle i don't think this was too much of an issue. Of all of the FASA plan sets, this one was probably my least favorite.
Remember to buy the bundle if you want to get the most bang for your buck/deutchmark/pfenning/whatever.
No way to go wrong here with any of the FASA ship sets. I like the variation in the types and sizes of ships included in these packages, as well as the detail in the design. I'm a huge fan of all of these and have returned to these ship plan sets time and again in my adventures.
Only thing i would say is just buy the bundle and save money on buying them individually. Don't be sorry after the fact.
I really liked this final portion of the Sky Raiders saga. My only complaint is that it would have been very nice to actually have some kind of layout for the Sky Raiders mobile home instead of just guessing at the locations of things. That's minor in the end result and at least they didnt include a "dungeon in space" design like some other products.
The print quality is again pretty poor in some spots, but this one has a lot less in the way of rough spots than some of the earlier versions.
Overall very happy with the entire Sky Raiders storyline and it gave me plenty of ideas for future adventures, should my players want to pursue them.
This product, for all my trying, just didnt catch my interest. While i appreciate the price point of the product, there just wasnt enough here to sink my teeth into and really create a believable world and background for it. It's not a bad product per se, it just doesnt stand out in any appreciable way. It's also a bit on the short side, but i'm unsure that adding pages would have added anything that really provided the hook for me.
Again, this is a no brainer purchase. I like the amount of detail that is provided and I would suggest that anyone interested in Traveller, no matter the era of their campaign, puchase this.
This one is a slam dunk buy for anyone that wants to get history and background for your game, no matter what era you set your campaigns in. The price is perfect for this type of document and i would always recommend that anyone wanting to play Traveller buy this and the sister product.