If you've already read James Hogan's Code of the Lifemaker, then you'll feel right at home with the concepts of The Clockwork Heart. Religiously zealous living machines want to stamp out the Error of Flesh, and possibly obliterate much of your campaign world.
The Clockwork Heart is very much a cinematic adventure. The adventure almost reads like a story (and a pretty cool one at that), including "cut scenes" designed to show you what's going on elsewhere. Unfortunately for me, I find such cutscenes to be "metagame" info, so I'll have to find a way for this information to come to the PCs by other means. Considering that there's an NPC mechanus who may or may not join the party, and who has a strong connection to the Divine Forge and others who are created by it, using the mechanus NPC to inherently "scry" the goings on of the cutscenes makes sense.
Situations and NPCs are very well detailed, making allowances here and there for alternative outcomes. If you play a very hard and fast rules game, you'll probably be disappointed that there aren't more DC tables, but otherwise it's an excellent adventure.
Though you won't need Construct Mechanus to play it, the additional sourcebook comes recommended if you plan to continue using mechanus characters in your game after the adventure ends, or if you want to scale the adventure for other levels.