Some good stuff, some useless/crappy stuff. Worth the money overall.
Very well-written supplement.
If you use the character creation rules in here, keep in mind that it will greatly boost the power of your party, and the CR for monsters/enemies will no longer be accurate.
A lot of good, some bad.
Its not a big deal. You add the ones you want and don't add the ones you dislike. Worth the money overall.
This product is very good, and I am quite pleased with the purchase.
An exceptional product (the guys at The Game Mechanics never do any less) that any FX or Urban Arcana campaign should incorporate.
I could have done with less voodoo, and seee that space used for more items, spells, feats, classes, magical talent trees for base classes, etc.. etc..
Really interesting stuff in here, but has the potential to heavily munchkin-ize your campaign.
I would reccommend this as the definitive D20M supplement for anyone running a full-on military campaign.
The book is professional and very well written. However, in my opinion the rules provided do not mesh well with other D20M settings, and would see best use in an entirely martial arts campaign.
Look for Martial Arts Mayhem by The Game Mechanics for "lite" martial arts rules that work bettern in other campaign settings.
This vehicles are sweet. And by sweet, I mean they totally rock.
Absolutely astounding modular-ness. You can build so many cool things with the skyscraper plans provided that your city or battlegrounds can have a lot of variety.
Very good set, but requires the Skyscraper set to acheive its full potential.
Eh. Not as useful as I would have hoped. Also, most of the maps weren't in 5' squares, which made using them kind of a hassle. Overall I'd say I wouldn't purchase it again if I had the chance.
Wonderful product that integrates flawlessly. I consider "The Game Mechanics, Inc." D20 Modern products to be pretty much official supplements. Modern Magic Vol 1, and the Player's Companion Volumes I & II are definitely worth buying. The authors are intimately familiar with the D20 Modern system, having been part of the team that worked on it!
Wonderful product that integrates flawlessly. I consider "The Game Mechanics, Inc." D20 Modern products to be pretty much official supplements. Modern Magic Vol 1, and the Player's Companion Volumes I & II are definitely worth buying. The authors are intimately familiar with the D20 Modern system, having been part of the team that worked on it!
Wonderful product that integrates flawlessly. I consider "The Game Mechanics, Inc." D20 Modern products to be pretty much official supplements. Modern Magic Vol 1, and the Player's Companion Volumes I & II are definitely worth buying. The authors are intimately familiar with the D20 Modern system, having been part of the team that worked on it!