Excellent product yet again by TGM. Keep up the good work and bring out more Modern (or Post-Modern) supplements.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: For standard high Fantasy/Ficition games rules are very balanced, like the use of optional rules for flexiblity and tailoring.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Feel that the rules can be unbalancing in non-High Fantasy/Fiction games.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
It seems that I am always in a fix for coming up with several names. Here's the answer.
It seems that I am always in a fix for coming up with several names. Here's the answer.
It seems that I am always in a fix for coming up with several names. Here's the answer.
It seems that I am always in a fix for coming up with several names. Here's the answer.
It seems that I am always in a fix for coming up with several names. Here's the answer.
Excellent product for the gaming line to flesh out characters. No complaints, just beware of the power gamer with this one.
Great addition and another fine product by TGM... Highly recommend for d20 Modern players and GMs
The guide to naming is decent but not the best (but it is the only one I know of on the market). It of course gives their variation on naming Halfling but leaves out several surnames that I would have included, and does not have that JRR Tokein feel, more of a AD&D feel to it. Would have like to see more alternative naming methods or diversity like Roman Name Tables.
Great product for any Roman or Romanize culture in your game. Goes at length about Roman naming and their sources for the names. Only lacks a printout for quick naming like the other Name table I have, Halflings. Thanks to this product I will be buy more in the future.
Well done and support. Recommended for those looking for a new flavor of game.
Excellent addition to d20 Modern. A must have for the modern setting.
Loved it. But GM/DMs beware, if not used carefully will unbalance game.
Good for the die hard waste setting gamers. Might be useful for Gamma World gamers also.