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"The Mighty Lee!
Nearly five years after the debut of the Lee-class merchant vessel, the BSI design division put a proposal to the CEO of Boone Starship Industries (BSI) that a direct competitor for the Cascadia- manufactured Atlas-class should be considered given the sales success of the Lee. It was further suggested that a design team should be tasked as soon as possible to commence work on the proposed project, requesting the CEO and the board approve the proposal and allocate funds for the design process."
"And thus, the 800-tonne Thorpe-class Merchant, known unofficially as "The Mighty Lee" was born.
The Thorpe-class Merchant contains full deckplans by author Michael Johnson for both the standard Thorpe-class Merchant and the Thorpe EC ("Extended Capacity") variant. Both are brought to you in beautiful art by fan-favorite artist Ian Stead.
Climb aboard a Thorpe-class and see why so many are trading in their Atlases for this new merchant vessel!"
The Clement sector rpg & setting lives and dies on it's trade vessels! The Clement sector is vast and completely imposing with pockets of unexported blackness just around the corner. The Wild West analogy isn't far off with supply lines being the back bone of the setting. And it's the traders & trade vessels that act as the literal life line for colonies in the Black
The Thorpe Class Merchant Vessel aka 'The Mighty Lee' is an exceptional trade vessel and that's no lie. The vessel is given wall to wall detail with incredible artwork by Ian Stead, Michael Johnson, & Bradley Warnes. The layout & editing of the Thorpe Class Merchant Vessel is incredibly well done.
The Thorpe fufills a role of a mid range heavy duty trade vessel for colonies opening up the space lanes. This starship fulls that role in spades and does it where few other vessels can operate! And the 'Mighty Lee' makes an excellent vessel to fly the space lanes of the Clement Sector.
Why do I like the Thorpe Class Merchant Vessel?! Because this is an adventurer's ship and one that player's PC's can trade into if thier very lucky. The Thorpe is designed to & haul good sized cargoes between colonies. And as such is the target of pirate cartels. No worries , 'The Mighty Lee' is armed for bare with 4x dual beam laser turrets, 2x dual turrets (1x missile/1x sandcaster) & (2 vacant hard points with provided fire control). This is not a ship that is going down without a fight!
Add to this a solid fleet of variations of the 'Mighty Lee' & you've got a winner of a trade ship. The fact is that the Thorpe Class adds in a window of opportunity in the vast black of the Clement scector. This is a working man's starship in every sense of the word.
You get a working ship that can ply the spacelanes of the Clement sector and does it with gusto and style. Thanks to Independence Games for letting me take a look at her!
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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So there have only been a few times that I've played the Shadowdark rpg. However the overlap with Troll Lords Castles & Crusades is pretty obvious in the similarities of the rpg systems. So there's a certain amount of cross compitibility within these OSR rpg systems. Manavores -- A Shadowdark Supplement By James Mishler, & Jodi Moran-Mishler is the perfect way to take the magical bite of our favorite OSR glass cannons the wizard or magic user. These monsters are not your average monsters and horrors that are hunting and eating magic. Instead these are creatures that have evolved in a highly magick charged enviroment. This is a fact brought home in the introduction; " The materials presented in this booklet are an optional, providing additional monsters as challenges to and perhaps allies of player characters. All the creatures herein are manavores, which eat or absorb magical energy and convert it to other sorts of magical or non-magical effects. All originate in areas of high concentration of magical power, and so can readily be found in just about any dungeon or area of high native magical or extra-planar power."
Manavores is a well laid out and solid book that presents a really nice font, layout and basic graphic presentation that is easy on the eyes.
This makes Manavores -- A Shadowdark Supplement perfect for Castles & Crusades Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing. Because of the magick rich enviroment that C&C campaigns present. And this is especially true of the Castles & Crusades Reforged books that will be coming out after the current Kickstarter.
The Manavores presented in the book are both wild and having been captive bred making them incredibly dangerous to PC wizards. Some of these Manavores could be used as pets or companions but keep them far away from party wizards.
Within Aihrde the manavores would certainly fit in nicely as there are already some monsters that would certainly fit the manavore moniker. I could also see using the manavores within Greyhawk.
Is the manavores supplement worth getting?! In a word yes there's a good range of magick eating creatures and monsters within to leave even the most cynical wizard shaking.
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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I've got a soft spot for these boxy little jobbies of a trade ship and they are well suited to the Space Western asthetic of the Independence Games product line. I love the design and feel of these boxy little adventurers ships. Ian Stead & Michael Johnson bring a unique feel to the Coner while proving an excellent little adventurer's ship.
Eric Fabiaschi
Sword & Stitchery
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"Hacking and computers have been part of the common experience now since at least the 1990s and there is no sign that the future will see less of either of them. Therefore, it seemed necessary for us to address how hacking is done in the Clement Sector setting. In doing so, the scope of the product soon expanded to include information about worldnets and their history, computer equipment, and careers related to hacking and online security. Hopefully, this product will help your enjoyment of the Clement Sector setting and allow your characters and campaigns to enter the shadowy world of the hacker, the realm of futuristic online security, and get a sense of how the average Clement Sector character relates to being online."
Cybersneaks Hacking In The Clement Sector By Authors Michael Johnson and John Watts is a supplement for the Clement Sectore that we've been waiting for. And this has to do with the Henderson family. The Hendersons are a generational family of cyberdeckers from our Hostile, Clement Sector, and even our Rider rpg games. The Hendersons start out as telegraph operators in our Rider game campaign & then later on appeared in the Earth and Clement sector rpg campaigns.
Cybersneaks clocks in at about eighty one pages and it covers the gamit of the Worldnet in the Clement Sector. And this includes everything from the history of frontier hacktivism to full on Worldnet law enforcement. The design and writing is clear and very well done.
We get the history of hacking within the Worldnet, and the effects of social engineering, airgapping and more.We get hacking kits, some great equipment, handcomps, and then end with mindcomps. Mindcomps as a technology are interesting & I admit that while this is a partial "gear & equipment' book its a well done 'gear & equipment' book.
For example the mindcomp entry; "A mindcomp is simply a computer that directly interfaces with the brain. For more details regarding mindcomps refer to Clement Sector page 336 and Interface page 37. Mindcomps provide their wearer with advantages over other computers but also create more risks if they are used for hacking activities." And then later we get a great example of these mindcomps; "Head Gear 66 – The Head Gear 66 is an older model mindcomp which remains popular in Clement Sector. While both less useful and more obvious than later models, the Head Gear 66 is often seen being used by those who don’t mind flaunting societal norms on worlds where cyberware is frowned upon. The Head Gear 66 is manufactured in Clement Sector on Minerva (Franklin 0401) and Chriseda (Sequoyah 0204) by the Overdrive Corporation. Despite the two companies being bitter rivals, many users will pair the Head Gear 66 with Bolt Glass for what is described as the perfect retro experience."
The idea that cybersneaks and hackers have thier own internal Clement sector techno dialogue going is brillant.
And it's the cyberhacking rules that are really the heart & soul of Cybersneaks.
We get clear and concise rules that make hacking and decking in the Clement sector flavorful and meaningful. This adds gravitas and weight to the cybersneak's role within the Clement sector. And it's the simple and yet highly effective rule set up with Cybersneak so damn well done.
And then we go deeper down the rabbit hole with malware, mindcomp hacking, and more.
Cybersneaks does a great job of setting up the hacking and cybernetic decker as a viable and vital PC within a party of Clement and even Cepheus Engine adventurers.
And out in the blackness of the frontier the cybersneak is a vaulable member of a crew within the Clement sector.
And I do think that Cybersneaks is a fantastic addition to the Clement and Earth sector rpg's. Even at only eight one pages Cybersneaks is packed with good and solid viable gaming information for 2d6 Science Fiction and Cepheus Engine rpg's.
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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“I saw one of these while part of a delegation sent by Boone to discuss several issues of import with the Cascadian government. Looks retro impressive, certainly fast but if it caught another destroyer and engaged it then at least it could run away just as fast when that destroyer it caught by the tail responded. These ships are too lightly armed for a destroyer.” - Commander James Lightfoot United States Space Navy, Boone, June 2, 2340 (standard)
So Independence Games sent over their latest ship the Roosevelt - Class Intercept Destoryer and let's dive into it!
Micheal Johnson & John Watts have been at it again for the Clement Sector & this time it's a nasty little bird with a few surprises. The Roosevelt class is in a class all of it's own & it fits a great role as both deep escort & destroyer. Independence games has a very solid take on the Roosevelt Intercepter Distroyer.
Type: Destroyer Class: Roosevelt System: Cascadia Service Date: 2335 to current Displacement: 1,200 tonnes (16,800 cu.m) Mass Tonnage: 7,200 tonnes Length: 138.25m Beam: Fwd: 11.5m, Aft: 47.5m, Wings: 76.5m Thrust: 5G Complement: 106 (17 Officers, 83 Enlisted and 6 Marines) Craft Carried: 1x Ship’s Boat, 1x Fast Launch Armament: Primary: 2x 50 tonne Meson Gun bays Secondary: 2x 50 tonne Fusion Gun bays Light (turrets): 6x triple beam laser turrets 2x triple turrets (2x missile/1x sandcaster) Defenses: Point Defense Node Array (12 nodes) Armor: Crystaliron
The Roosevelt Intercepter Distroyer is perfect for the frontier of the Clement sector as a deep penatrating destroyer. And we get everything we need from history, stats, weapons systems, variants & more. The Roosevelt class fills the folllowing need,"the fleet that believed that a new destroyer design needed to be fast and more heavily armed, relying on rapid, hard hitting, long range hit and fade tactics to make up for the lack of armor protection, or that the design needed to maintain protection to improve survivability" The Roosevelt Intercepter Distroyer is a predator & a mid tier predator. The writing is very well done, the layout is excellent, and quality is what we've come to expect from Independence Games! I really love Ian Stead & Michael Johnson's designs & artwork for this ship.
The role of the Roosevelt class in the Wild West style frontier of the Clement sector is similar to the role of the U.S. Cavalry;
"The traditions of the U.S. Cavalry originated with the horse-mounted force which played an important role in extending United States governance into the Western United States, especially after the American Civil War (1861–1865), with the need to cover vast ranges of territory between scattered isolated forts and outposts of the minimal resources given to the stretched thin U.S. Army." And I believe that in the Clement sector the Roosevelt is going to serve this need as well for many years too come. And it's the fact that the Roosevelt class is really well designed to give a group of pirates a bloody nose & then some.
And in this regard the Roosevelt Intercepter Distroyer is perfectly designed to get the job done. I need three things from the Roosevelt Intercepter Distroyer. A real threat to our pirate PC's. An adventure point & piece of setting material as a ship that appears to do it's job & for that the Roosevelt Intercepter Distroyer is ideally suited! And three the Roosevelt Intercepter Distroyer is needed as a fleet ship's deep terrority scout & destroyer. Again it's ideally suited to the role.
Thanks for reading our review
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery
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"Pray you don't meet this intelligent alien foe, born to hunt, equipped with high-tech weapons and able to move about unseen. You are being herded, picked off one-by one - purely for the sport of an Unseen Hunter... "
Hostile Rpg one of those games that depends upon it's monster as much as it's atmosphere. And we've got an Eighties classic done in the style of the Hostile rpg. This encounter even follows the first film; "The Unseen Hunter is an intelligent, humanoid alien that has a culture of hunting alien species for sport. Humans have sometimes become prey for these beasts. They have access to high technology and will arrive on planet in a small starship, capable of being cloaked invisibly when landed. Often, these aliens hunt alone, as a mark of bravery, and carry out reconnaissance to locate a worthy opponent, either alone or in a group. "
So where would you use 'The Hunted' encounter?! Well, first of all 'Hunted' is an experienced Hostile, Cepheus, or even as a old school Science Fiction 2d6 encounter. Zozer Games provides everything the DM needs to run 'Hunted' but where in the Hostile universe?! The perfect place to run 'Hunted' is actually is the alien jungle world of Tau Ceti! A war torn colony, alien jungles, interstellar conflict, blood & violence all call to the alien hunter of the 'Hunted'.
Hunted is perfect to drop on a group of experienced Hostile players PC's & watch them scatter like so much skinned targets! The alien hunter of 'The Hunted' encounter could be the perfect foe to hunt your favorite group of experienced marines in your Hostile campaign.
Thanks for reading our review
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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" Welcome to the nightmarish realms of the Wretchedverse, where horrors lurk around every corner, and the darkness hides untold terrors. Wretched Darkness is a mature horror role-playing game where players take on the roles of anti-hero characters who must face the unknown and confront the supernatural and the paranormal head-on. Wretched Darkness may be played as a dark fantasy game, or you can make it into an actual horror experience. Players can choose from several factions for their characters, some already featured in previous Wretched games, such as the Knights of Cydonnia, BurroughsTech, the Araknyd Brotherhood and the Daughters of Ksenia, and a few new ones, like the Warden Foundation and the Children of the Night."
"By default, the game is set in modern times, in urban environments, where danger lurks at every turn and death is never far away. However, you can use it to play horror games in different timelines. Combine it with Wretched Époque or Wretched Country for a 19th-century terrifying experience, pair it up with Wretched New Flesh - Postcards from Avalidad for a near-future surrealistic horror campaign, jump into the far future by using Wretched Space, or set it in any other age. This book presents you with a sandbox-style setting inspired by the works of masters of horror, such as Clive Barker, David Cronenberg, David Lynch, John Carpenter, George Romero, Wes Craven, Dario Argento, Tobe Hooper, Lucio Fulci and Mario Bava, but expect sources of inspiration as varied as William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, William Gibson, Paul Auster, exploitation movies and Leonard Cohen’s poetry."
"As a Game Master, you will find here tools and game mastering hints for running any style of horror game, such as Giallo, gore, supernatural, psychological, apocalyptic, surreal, sci-fi horror and more. Wretched Darkness uses a revised version of the Wretched mechanics, an old-school set of rules designed for playing characters that are not necessarily good or virtuous. The revised rules are still entirely compatible with previous versions. Still, they include new mechanics for sanity and the use of magic, as well as several new classes and playable races, such as Incubus/ Succubus, Loup-Garou, and the Wampyr. Player characters are also more vulnerable than they were in previous Wretched games: The Hit Point increase was downgraded (now, by default, you don’t roll for Hit Points when you level up, you only get 1 additional point per level), and the level cap is set at 10."
Miguel Ribeiro of the authors of The Wretched Darkness rpg
Wretched Darkness is a four hundred & seventy six page OSR horror rpg game that has quite a few difference from other Wretchedverse games. And that difference is the amount of care, work, planning, & thought that went into Wretched Darkness. Wretched Darkness is an OSR horror rpg game but it's one that can handle anytime frame from modern to hardcore ancient Lovecraftian themes or adventures.
Wretched Darkness falls hard on the adult side with lots of horror tropes & adventure cavets that one comes to expect in the horror gerne. The usuaul suspect PC classes are here from the chaos magicians all the way to the murdering psychopathic killer. What set's Wretched Darkness apart is the how & why of it's OSR systems. the Wretched Darkness rpg has the vibes of a Kult style OSR game. The Wretched Darkness rpg has the potential to really take in the 90's style Golden Age horror movie like campaign in spades. Wretched Darkness lives up to it's OSR roots but incorporates a whole host of new systems that really bring home the horror as both personal adventure or full on campaign. Then there's several optional tarot card systems that can be used as 'horror adventure tool kit' in it's appendixs. And this is only one small part of Wretched Darkness.
Wretched Darkness takes the horror adventure center stage as a solid OSR horror game that really ups the themes & ideas of the other Wretchedverse rpg games. Then it breaks off the knob of the volume & it does this by being a game that incorporates tons of factions, bits of magick, reams of supernatural lore, and more. But these are optional allowing the DM or players to bring the customization factor into the Wretched Darkness game itself. The pdf for Wretched Darkness is massive & yet I really want a printing of the game to truly cement it as a cornerstone of the Red Room's rpg systems.
And it's this cornerstone approach that makes Wretched Darkness rpg that will work well with Wretched Époque or Wretched Country for a 19th-century horror campaign or it can be used with Wretched New Flesh - Postcards from Avalidad for a Science Fantasy horror campaign,or as a jump off point into an OSR horror game fueled by Wretched Space especially combined with Venger Satanis's Cha'alt. And this is one of the strength's of Wretched Darkness it's ability to be adapted again & again to various niches of horror from it's own corner of OSR gaming. For me as a reviewer Wretched Darkness is a five outta of five. Thanks for reading our review!
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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" Flying through the air throwing blasts of energy from your hands, stopping otherwise doomed passenger trains with super-strength, and always thwarting the evil plans of villains bent on world domination: such is the life of superpowered heroes!"
"Superpowered! is a lightweight, 2d6-based role-playing game that allows players to play these superpowered heroes, with highly varied powers, as they work to keep their city, country, world, and the universe safe from the evil plots of those who would destroy all that is right and good."
"Superpowered! is based on the Quantum Engine and is thus compatible with Stellagama Publishing's Cepheus Atom post-apocalyptic rules, Barbaric! sword & sorcery rules, and Quantum Starfarer space-opera rules."
Superpowered! By Richard Hazelwood From Stellagama Publishing For Your 2d6 OSR Campaigns came my way vie Stellagama Publishing. So what does Superpowered! By Richard Hazelwood bring to the table?! A 2d6 superhero rpg that brings the caped heroes to the 2d6 table top arena. And it looks like a pretty solid entry into the genre being powered by the Quantum Engine. Superpowered! acts as both a supplemental system & a stand alone super hero rpg.
Superpowered! By Richard Hazelwood From Stellagama Publishing is a full service super hero rpg within it's own right. And can add a real nice wrinkle to the 2d6 rpg & campaign world. Superpowered! includes a full array of super powers, genre tropes, ideas, & much more for your 2d6 powered campaigns. At five dollars for a hundred pagess worth of game it's a well worth investiment of time & man power on Stellagama Publishing. And it's really a worth addition to your 2d6 campaigns! If combined with Barbaric then the mutant populations of the 2d6 wastelands are going to become much more interesting places. And Stellagama Publishing's Barbaric can add a flare for failed colonies, wild planets, and even whole cloth battle worlds. Is worth Stellagama Publishing's efforts including Superpowered! By Richard Hazelwood worth getting?! In a word, oh yes! That's because the 2d6 landscape of the hobby has been changing for the better. There's tons of options & world settings for 2d6 meaning that DM's & players can really customize their PC's as the system allows fast character creation, lots & lots of options, and a solid system for role playing with 2d6 games. Superpowered! By Richard Hazelwood brings a ton of that to the table top with really solid mechanics, a great system, and a really nice price point.
Thanks for reading our review
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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"You think this hyper-populated island on this miserable waterworld is bad? The crime? The corruption? The lack of privacy and housing? The rationing and queues? You hate it because its all you know ... Me? I've got another six month tour on the seabed starting tomorrow. Six months almost two miles down, breathing stale air, no sun, no freedom, no free-time, and just the same twelve people to talk to. Now, how bad is this island again?" - Crawler driver Hilton Varez, Clan Bakar
A supplement for the Hostile RPG and Cepheus Engine.
"Abyss is an overcrowded world, a world where the most prized possession is land and real estate. It is a waterworld, a single planet covered by a single shallow ocean, the only land available for settlement is the tiny island of Vasundhara as well as a scatter of small island chains. Life can be hard on the planet, poverty and squalor are commonplace, wealth and living space is held as a privilege by a few, whilst the millions compete for survival inside the noisy, crowded, trash-filled, dirty, cramped and crime-ridden ‘Warrens’. Much of the island is intensely urbanised, skyscrapers and apartment blocks jostle with factories and sky-high shopping centres. "
Abyss by Paul Elliot from Zozer Games is an underwater world & supplement that hits two high marks. One a world of cyberpunk style corporate intrigue & danger this is one where we could easily translate over a Zaibatsu rpg campaign. Two Abyss succeeds as an alternative venue for PC's looking for the big bonuses & an another avenue of pay for their PC's.
There have been other water borne & underwater supplements for old school Traveller rpg style worlds. But nothing like Abyss brings to the table with various factions in control of the underwater world, rules for underwater combat, mining, and more! Abyss is a world of high corporate backstabbing & the fate of the planet's resources hang in the balance.
All of the factions in Hostile are here in spades plus new major corporations interested in dividing up this oceanic paradise. The world sea based life forms seem almost entirely responsible to the nine million colonizers who have descended on this water based sea world. As the colonists try to extract the mineral wealth the planet seeks to end the lives of those on this watery world.
The islands in Abyss are rife with adventure possibilities but below the water?! Well that's a whole other world of Hostile possibility where you can strike it rich or be eaten by an alien underwater life form. Abyss has rules, NPC's, equipment, and more all for underwater 2d6 Hostile or Cepheus Engine rpg adventuring & action.
Abyss is the head for a tough industry & the PC's are going to have to be just as tough as the underwater enviroment that they face. Abyss may be exo planet but it's an exo planet with a difference. And that's the amount of danger as well adversity that the PC's face. Given Abyss's layout, cartography, writing , and more are well up the Hostile rpg's general standards easily. Paul Elliot as well as the Hostile contributors know their stuff Abyss is fast becoming a Hostile favorite. And it's an adventure supplement that I'll be inflicting on my Hostile players coming up!
So is Abysss worth getting?! Absolutely and there's a few reasons why! This takes your Hostile rpg PC's into an unfamilar enviroment, there's rules for generating brand new PC's and NPC's to interact with, the PC's have the chance to make a difference in the corporate environs of Abyss, & for the nine million reasons located on the surface of Abyss. Did I mention that there's the chance that your PC might strike it rich or be eaten!?
Abyss is a great addition to the Zozer games product line of Hostile rpg books!
Thanks reading at our review.
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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"A Wretchploitation supplement for maverick cops, low-down punks, and the blurred lines of good and evil. The city is going to shit. It's like a pressure cooker. You have seen it turning bad to worse. Shootings, muggings, burglary, trafficking, sadism, night and day. Yes, this city is hotter than hell, and you're inches away from the flames. They're spreading like cancer, you're in the thick of it, so deep undercover that it's impossible to come up for air when reality bites. As your personal life crumbles, your are shot from all sides. You got the ex-wife holing at you for alimony, for kids you only see once in a blue moon. One of those children doesn't even look like you, it's like they're a stranger. Yet you are drawn to this strange oddity as it's almost too perfect. Perhaps you are the one trying to make your way in a world of organised crime, whether a two-bit hood or inches away from being "made". You are sailing close to the edge no matter what side of the tracks you're on."
"Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blue Released (DrivethruRPG and Big Geek Emporium; later, there will be a POD version)
A sourcebook for Wretchploitation (or other modern-day old-school games) by Joe Coombs, inspired by 1970s and 1980s cop shows like Miami Vice, Mission Impossible, Hill Street Blues, The Avengers,Cagney and Lacey and Magnum PI. "
"Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blues" By Joe Coombs, & Miguel Ribeiro is definitely an adult Miami Vice style OSR Wretchploitation rpg adventure that's actually a mini campaign unto itself. "Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blues" gives all of the major players in the Sandcove area but notches it up by eleven into the neon Eighties. And it's very well done in it's forty three pages for Wretchploitation rpg.
"Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blues" is filled with Eighties bastards, corrupt cops, kick ass adventuresses, drug smugglers, murderers, thieves, and much more. "Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blues" also has new factions, new enemies, and everything to get the players in over their collective heads right in the deep end of the Neon Eighties crime scene in Sandcove.
But is "Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blues" worth the download?! Oh Hell yes! "Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blues" pushes the Wretchploitation game system in yet another well defined genre direction. This is again an adult themed offering from the Red Room crew. And yes Sandcove is a place that I'd want to take my players too! There's plenty of opportunity for a party of adventurers to take over Sandcove if you don't mind a modern Noir body count.
The material here in "Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blues" is well done, heady, and full of campaign potential! Grab this one! Get your Raybands, your power tie, cocaine, Members only Jacket, and a copy of both Wretchploitation as well as "Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blues" for a bloody Eighties adventure night!
Thank you for reading our review
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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The Wretched Apocalypse Rpg By Joe Coombs, & Miguel Ribeiro isn't Mutant Future or Gamma World. The Wretched Apocalypse Rpg is full on full on Mad Max or 'Mad Max in space' depending upon your Wretched campaign. The full Wretched Apocalypse is two hundred and twenty pages of post apocalyptic goodness.
The Wretched Apocalypse Rpg is gritty, dangerous, and really nasty straight out of the gate. You are going to be playing a PA outlaw using the usual Wretched PC rpg system & the classes include the following; "Assassin, Common Citizen, Cyborg, Investigator, Man of Action, Proselytizer, Pilot/ Driver, Psionic, Rogue, and Scholar." And these are further customized with the usual Wretched rpg system add ons & take aways. Wretched Apocalypse Rpg has solid rules on starvation, hunger, cannibalism, disease, scavenging and mutations. We get faction & community rules for everything from shanty towns to full on tyrannical regimes.
Wretched Apocalyse is geared far more for conventional post-apocalyptic sandboxing & full on wasteland campaigns. And this is where the game shines because of the fact that it takes full advantage to go into full Fallout video games mode or into the grittier or dare I say dangerous Mad Max mode.
And these modes are also a part of the Wretched Apocalypse Rpg where PC's can & do change the way the campaign difficulty play mode can be set! The Wretched Apocalypse Rpg is perfect for a wasteland Western or interstellar adventure location especially for the Wretched Country rpg
This makes Wretched Apocalypse Rpg perfect as a mash up for a band of Western post apocalyptic outlaws in the grand Giallo style to come storming into an OSR campaign. And this is one of the reasons why Wretched Apocalypse is such a great game. But wait there's more as the game centers itself with tons & tons of random generators! Generators that can be used to carry through a wasteland campaign to its conclusion or it's beginning! The Wretched Apocalypse Rpg is completely cross compatible with any of the other Wretched rpg's! And these rpg systems completely & easily plug into the rest of the Wretched rpg systems completely! But is the Wretched Apocalypse Rpg By Joe Coombs, & Miguel Ribeiro worth getting!?! In a word oh yes it is! Not only does the Wretched Apocalypse Rpg have the right cinematic feel but it plugs into all of the right Eighties & Nineties VHS tape post apocalytic buttons but there's a great little rpg here!
Thanks for reading our review
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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" Knuckles of Steel is a blaxploitation scenario for Wretchploitation (or other contemporary OSR games) and the second in a series of modules taking place in Crime City, the fictional metropolis introduced in Sexual Holocaust."
" The adventure is pretty straightforward: A triad crime boss kidnapped his former girlfriend's sister and uses the hostage to persuade Lois, model and aspiring actress, to marry him against her will. However, Lois still has a card up her sleeve: A group of brave, determined and wretched friends willing to help her no matter the odds. A situation like this could be solved in a one-shot, but Knuckles of Steel provides plenty of plot hooks and non-player characters and places in Hammettville."
"Crime City Blues Part II Knuckles of Steel" By Miguel Ribeiro, & Joe Coombs isn't my usual fare for the Wretchploitation rpg. Up to this point our players has been on a horror/Science Fantasy kick with the Wretched rpg systems. "Crime City Blues Part II Knuckles of Steel" By Miguel Ribeiro, & Joe Coombs plugs deeply into the Blackspoitation & Kung Fu film genres of the early Grind House Seventies cinema. Far more into the Blacksploitation films of the Seventies & there's a clearly researched list within "Crime City Blues Part II Knuckles of Steel" . However,"Crime City Blues Part II Knuckles of Steel" is it's own original adventure unto itself.
And it's a pretty solid entry into the Wretchploitation rpg line of adventures. "Crime City Blues Part II Knuckles of Steel" is going to take the PC's down through the twisted streets & alleys of Crime City. The PC's are ensnared within the web of triad crime boss whose kidnapped his former girlfriend's sister. Seems straight foreward right?! It's not as the PC's come into events on several levels when the Triad uses the hostage to persuade Lois, model and aspiring actress, to marry him against her will. There's more gravitus here then meets the eye. There's murder, exploitation, greed, and much more where the PC's could grab power for themselves at several points!
Let's face facts this is a Wretchploitation adventure & within this rpg it's all about the seven deadly sins. And so it's gonna be a power grab within the back alleys of Crime City. And there's lots of opportunity while sticking it to the Triads or anyone rthat get's in the player's PC's way. There's also lots of opportunity to make a buck or die trying. The encounters within "Crime City Blues Part II Knuckles of Steel" can be quite deadly.
Right now I'm prepping to DM "Crime City Blues Part II Knuckles of Steel" By Miguel Ribeiro, & Joe Coombs coming up. And this doesn't mean a whole lot of writing and whatnot. Instead it means that we're rolling up new PC's with a whole lotta of attitude, 70's gravitas, and getting into the spirit of "Crime City Blues Part II Knuckles of Steel" By Miguel Ribeiro, & Joe Coombs.
Thanks for reading our review
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery Blog
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Work has been keeping me really on the run & even though we're getting around the bend from Thanksgiving. I've managed to sneak into DM Steve's Subsector Hub mini campaign for the Clement Sector rpg. Now there's a very good reason for this & it's actually get a feel for the actual play of the setting.
The Subsector sourcebook Hub has been updated into third edition. And there's a reason for this; "Hub Subsector was the first place those coming from Earth Sector saw when they arrived in Clement Sector. It is the oldest and most cosmopolitan of the subsectors of Clement Sector. It is also home to the sector’s only interstellar polity, The Hub Federation. The first of the subsectors to be settled"
Don't let the fact that the sector’s only interstellar polity is the Hub Federation. This is a subsector on the edge of a very deep frontier of the unknown & blackness.
Subsector Hub feels like an expanded frontier area settled but highly wild & untamed. A place that settlers can come to, make a living, and still be on the edge of the Frontier of the Clement sector.
What we get in the Subsector Sourcebook Hub is details about the worlds, the political situations, and the inhabitants. These details paint a very different picture when one starts to be a part of a crew in the subsector.
Here we get the edge on feeling of Hub & it's setting from the first hand perspective. I feel that the Subsector Sourcebook Hub does a great job of conveying those details in spades.
Once again it reminds one of the feel of the Old West without being too indulgant into the Western tropes instead pulling on Old Western & Civil War analogies. Or at least that's how Hub feels through the writings of John Watts. The Clement Sector literally is tied at the hip with the Hub subsector & it's a solid way of dealing with the settings.
We deal with Kasya about three nights ago & it's interesting; "Kasaya is the location of the first settlement on Totaro. It is currently the capital of the planet and home to the House of Representatives, the House of Councilors, and the President. The current population of the city is just over 18 million. The city is built around an inlet in the northeastern portion of the Kosado Sea. All of the buildings here are rounded to survive the high winds that come from the salt flats to the south of the city. Many of the buildings are quite tall and have measures in place to survive the winds such as wind conduits. The city is home to a fine B-class downport which is rated three stars by the Captain’s Guild. The downport is located to the east of the city. One can reach the downport by maglev train or shuttle."
That B class downport was the meeting with a spy from one of the other colony worlds in the subsector Hub worlds. The fact is that there's a lot of intrigue, double dealing, & much more between the militaries of the Hub worlds. With that being said I believe that in our game the biggest threat is going to be coming from outside.
The Subsector Hub sourcebook is highly detailed, well thought out, and has Independence games continued excellence & eye towards quality. But is it worth the download?! In a word, yes! The level of detail here is nothing short of solidly done & of excellent quality! This continues the streak of quality that we've seen within the Independence Games line of Cepheus Engine rpg products!
Thanks for reading our review
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery blog
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If there's one ship that get's a work out in our various 2d6 campaigns its the Colonial Freighter from Zozer games. Why? The sheer volume & variety of these ships is what does it; "On worlds with low-populations and few port facilities, any colonial supply ship has to carry with it a suite of cargo handling equipment. The Tharsis Aerospace Argosy is a premier example of this class of ship - the ‘colonial support vessel’ (CSV)."
"The Argosy has been designed to carry a varied mix of cargoes, from passengers to pallets cargo containers, out-sized industrial machinery, vehicles and various types of chemicals and fuels. It is able to land on a bare-rock landing pad and off-load its entire (and diverse) cargo where there are no port facilities. This 5,000-ton starship is fully deck-planned, and includes four variants, two scenario outlines and two new types of vehicles."
When you get into decade corporate long colonial movements such as what we have in the black frontiers of space in Hostile & other 2d6 space based games. The supply & infrastructure lines are the back bone of campaigns. All throughout history we continue to see such expansions needed a star ship that can handle such endevours. And this is where the Colonial Frieghter really shines in my opinion. Not only does the Zozer Games Colonial Freighter shine in this regard but it makes sense that these regards but it's a perfect example of the campaign asthetic that Hostile excels at. The Zozer Games Colonial Freighter not only makes an excellent adventure backbone and setting but a home base point for an adventuring party as well.
With the number of varieties of the 'Tharsis Aerospace Argosy' allows the DM to configure the space craft into the role that they need. From colony craft to military troop transport the 'Tharsis Aerospace Argosy' does it all! And does it well. But these are also going to be the space craft wrecks that player's marine PC's are going to encounter. These ships in some cases literally are the vital supply line ships going through hyperspace.
Zozer Games Colonial Freighter's ships are literally colonial & military assets from the ground up for planet side so that destroying one or two of these ships is functioning act of interstellar war between corporations. But is Zozer Games Colonial Freighter book actually good & worth the download?! In a word yes! Zozer Games Colonial Freighter by Paul Elliot takes the usual colonial starship from Cepheus Engine rpg & turns it into both a literal interstellar adventure backdrop & campaign turning point. Paul Elliot takes his usual wit & wisdom of starship design & turns it into a functioning campaign piece for both a Hostile or any old school 2d6 rpg Science Fiction rpg campaign.
Thanks for reading our review
Eric Fabiaschi
Sword & Stichery blog
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