Overall a very good choice. About as powerful as an elf with the subclasses to compare it with as well. All is fine and well, the subclasses lightly gimmicy but not in a bad way. Except for the Feral Dhampir, it is wildly overpowered level one.
Because +2 Con, +1 Str, this encourages the Barbarian Playstyle out the gate. So at level one you can use your feral claws ability. This gives you a level one mind you, 1d12 magical weapon plus your strength modifier. This is Absurd. I recomend you instead make the claws do 1d(Half PC Level) instead of Class Hit Die. This keeps your ability in check and ready for when you need magical weapons in mind. As this is almost always late game or mid game for players.
Now aside from that one take away, this is a fun class with its pros and cons and I respect it a bunch. I don't know if I'd play it but I'm allowing it in my campaigns now for play testing. I'll post more if and when that happens but I'm happy with it.