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Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
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Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
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Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Stefan [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/19/2023 16:09:26

Good quality and free rulebook with the most basic rules for Delta Green. And the system is great!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Cody B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/19/2023 16:38:17

Absolutely amazing! If you're even thinking of trying Delta Green with your group, this package is essential! Last Things Last is an amazing introduction to the system and the "feel" of the game, without overloading the Handler.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Dakota H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2023 13:27:16

This is fantastic value, and I recommend anyone interested in Delta Green to try this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Ben N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2021 18:37:49

I enjoyed this product I beefed it up and ran it over 2 sessions, my players loved it too. Its a free product that runs really well in an x-files way and if that is what you are looking for this is a great way to try it on. Advice read through it and plan some contingincies for the any easy ways the players might avoid the challenges set out in the scenario. Allow them to plan but put time pressure on them. Not a lot of action but really good suspense also it works well as a springboard for a campaign if you want to do so.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Chris D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/16/2021 18:49:53

Yeah it's as good as people say it is.

Just snip off the scenario at the end with a PDF Snipper tool and you're good to have rules to give your players when they play.

It's a bit like The Haunting in that it's clearly meant to be customized. Can't wait for the roll20 version that I hope is still coming out. You could probably run a few games with just this and some decent homebrew.

The scenario at the back has the chance to become the new "The Haunting" in all honesty.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Steve S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/10/2021 20:09:04

Quite possibly the best quickstart I have ever gotten from a rules explanation standpoint! The adventure itself might not be the strongest, but given it is an intro, and the pricing (pwyw) it's good. Overall, an extreemly good product, and a great game overall! Also worth noting that I have since also purchased the physical version of this product that comes with the GM screen, as well as the slipcase core set, and one of the scenario books!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Jay G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/05/2020 21:49:44

I had seen a video review of Delta Green Last Things Last on youtube and decided to download Need To Know and run it for a group of my friends. I was so impressed by what I was reading that I'd only gotten a dozen pages in when I called my FLGS and ordered the physical book (with screen!). So obviously I really like it and think anyone interested in a modern cthulhu/horror game should get this immediately.

Delta Green is at it's core a mash-up of Call Of Cthulhu and The X-Files. Mechanically the game is similar to Call Of Cthulhu's basic role playing system, and is extremely easy to pick up and learn. For anyone looking for a modern take on horror that is easy to learn and play Delta Green is it.

The scenario contained in Need To Know, Last Things Last is a great introduction to the system's rules and showcases the difference between tradtional combat-based RPGs and Delta Green. The option for combat is there, but the focus is on investigation, and the scenario can be completed without any combat at all.

Delta Green Need To Know would have easily been a bargain as an e-pub for $10, for free if you're even faintly curious there's no reason not to download.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Guillaume C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/12/2020 03:14:35

Excellent wait to dive into Delta Green, the pre-generated character are very cool and easy to play, either for beginner or expert. I like to keep it to have a summary of the rule to look at if needed at any time.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Kennedy S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/11/2019 08:43:58

Absolutely worth the price. Sarcasm aside, it'd still be worth it even if this was a 10-20$ starter booklet. Come to think of it, I'd pay good money for a Delta Green beginner box.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/02/2018 23:26:15

The Need to Know Document is a great primer on the rules for the Delta Green RPG. All the "crunch" of the system packaged in a well-designed and easy to use reference. Perfect for use at the table to make a quick rules lookup. It also contains six pre-generated characters and an intro scenario called "Last Things Last." A good intro scenario for new players to get a feel for the rules, and it can also be used as a great jumping-off point for a new campaign.

The screen is one of the best "GM Screens" I have ever seen for an RPG. It is a four-panel screen, each panel approx 8.5" x 11", oriented landscape-style so it doesn't block your view of the table or your players. The tables on the back side are very useful and I find them to be of great help when running a game. The art on the front is top-notch and it fits right in with the setting of Delta Green. It is made of durable cardboard, just like a hardcover book, so it should last for many years. Tougher than a Shantak's thorax.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Monica G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 02/16/2018 11:37:36

This was reviewd by Brian Woodman for Full review link below

Delta Green, which Pagan Publishing first released in 1997, expertly combined ‘X Files’-style conspiracy horror with the Lovecraftian horror of Chaosium’s ‘Call of Cthulhu RPG. The players are federal agents and their allies involved in an obscure conspiracy to combat the monsters and cults affiliated with the Cthulhu Mythos, protecting the United States from cosmic horrors.

It uses the same elegant system and contained a wealth of information on real-world federal agencies as well as fictional enemies running the gamut of the genre (double-dealing federal agents, zombie-making Nazi holdouts, etc).

This product is a compressed, quick-start version of the new edition for the game. It does what it is supposed to do but by its very nature is very underdeveloped. It does contain a great sample scenario and should whet the appetites of anyone interested in the premise.

It contains interesting rules for interpersonal bonds outside of work. The system allows these bonds to alleviate the stressors that players may face from their jobs, although these can erode over time – a nice touch that allows realistic psychological horror to enter the game.

This product may serve as a back door for people new to the game. More experienced players may find it of limited use, although I am interested in seeing where further products in the line may lead. Read more of our review at:

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by larry h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/29/2017 19:11:25

The little book has all the basic info and an introductory adventure, thats a great deal! It has a short overview of Delta Green, a How to be a Player section, How to be a Handler section, characters and character creation, and a chunk of pages on the game system and how to apply it. There's combat, damage, death, sanity, insanity, bonds and then the last section of the book is the adventure "Last Things Last". I bought the print version and the handlers screen along with the Delta Green Agents Handbook and cant wait for the Delta Green Handlers book to be out.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Shane M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/28/2016 14:37:24

The Need to Know adventure and rules summary is short and to the point, and serves as a good intorduction to the DG rules. The adventure is a quite linear and focussed, but ideal for a one or two hour introduction.

A great product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Ben S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/29/2016 16:56:55

This is a solid adventure that is well written and complete. A nice short introduction to the Delta Green world.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Need to Know -- Free Starter Rulebook
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/05/2016 12:36:53

After a slightly disorganised start (you have to wade through the product blurb, a page of densely-written copyright notices and the Open Gaming Licence before you actually get to the contents!) we start off with Welcome to Delta Green, which explains what the game is all about - fear. Fear and having the courage to stand up against horrors no matter what. Then there's a brief explanation of what role-playing is and how to play, including the terminology: the Game Master is called the Handler and players take the role of Agents (of Delta Green), and adventures are known as Operations. To play, you'll need dice (or a die roller app), with percentage dice playing a major role. There's a whole page on 'How to be a Player' which covers the basics like describing actions, speaking as your character and not holding things up... and of course working with the other members of the party. There's another page for the Handler (with some ominous blood-splatter on it) and an example of play. A scary one...

The next section is titled What is an Agent? This goes through the character sheet explaining what everything is and how it is used in the game. This leads into a section describing how to create an agent. The assumption is that characters are Americans employed by one of the 'Alphabet' agencies, but it's quite easy to see how to extrapolate to other nationalities or professional affiliations. The basic professions available (which suggest the skills that you have) are Federal Agent, Anthropologist/Historian, Computer Scientist/Engineer, Physician (i.e. medical doctor), Scientist or Special Operator (i.e. someone with military training). The way everything is put together helps you build a rounded individual with friends and some personal history, and a reason why he's in Delta Green and doing what he's doing. There are six pre-generated characters which can serve as examples, get customised or just used for play... there are outline notes and full character sheets for each.

Then comes a section called Game System. This explains the game mechanics in a straightforward (if slightly patronising) style. It covers general task resolution and combat, then goes on to discuss damage, death and sanity. Like Call of Cthulhu (which these rules resemble), hanging onto your sanity is well-nigh impossible in this game. This leads on to rules for insanity... and, fortunately, some notes on ways to preserve your character's sanity. The bit about going to see a therapist is quite amusing: do you lie about what you've experienced or sound really delusional by telling him... and risk him going a bit mad as well? A lot of this is a cut-down version of what's in the Core Rulebook, it says, but even this is pretty comprehensive.

Finally we have the operation (adventure) Last Things Last. In this, the party is despatched to check the home of a recently-deceased retired Delta Green agent to make sure no incriminating evidence is to be found (remember that Delta Green regards keeping the existance of supernatural horrors completely secret as important as actual defeating them). It's a fairly simple mission that serves just to demonstrate a little of the system and give the group an inkling of what to expect...

Unless you are completely new to role-playing you may feel that you are being talked down to a bit in some of the explanations, but apart from that this provides a good introduction to the game, bringing out the flavour well. The adventure is rather too basic and is aimed at complete novices, Handler as well as players, but can be used to whet the appetite for more... provided the agents don't completely lose their sanity over what they have to do! Support for a novice Handler is good, however, and there's the potential to make it quite atmospheric. There are a couple of good handouts... but the purely illustrative page that follows could have been used to provide more resources to lead to further adventures if the items there weren't piled on top of each other quite so much.

That said, this work does give a good feel for the game and ought to enable you and your group decide if it's for you (or not). I'll be looking out for more...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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