A handy product, always like a good container starship and this will be useful for Bulldogs!, Last Parsec, Firefly and other science fiction RPGs besides Traveller. Was going to ask for some detail of possible containers and the cargo hauler, but those are in the Sci-Fi Objects set you've released (which I also have). An nice variant of the ship, which I may work on, would be to have the containers replaced with a single large cargo bay with a gantry across the middle of it, the tram becoming a cargo elevator, giving you a shorter, slightly more wieldy ship that would be capable of landing on vacuum bound moons or worlds with a very thin atmosphere. The small ship's boat you've released can be added as a bonus, docked belly-to-side with that free starboard airlock.
One minor niggle, get someone to proofread the text next time guys, otherwise very pleased with this, will be looking for more in the future.