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Reign in Hell
Publisher: Snarling Badger Studios
by Philip [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/15/2023 07:15:37

Fun and innovative game system. Being miniature agnostic I have played it with such a wide variety of minis from the serious to the ridiculous. Be aware combat is fast and deadly but dying can be a benefit in the campaign game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Reign in Hell
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Classic Traveller Facsimile Edition
Publisher: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW)
by Philip [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/11/2023 18:53:22

This is a reprint with some notes. Being the original SCI FI RPG it was a bold experiment in roleplaying especially with the lack of an experience system that encouraged more roleplay then number crunching. This is a good thing because the number crunching in this game can get seriously complex. If you want to give the original a try then go ahead this is a great introduction. Younger gamers may want to try one of the later editions.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Classic Traveller Facsimile Edition
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Shub-Niggurath Always Rings Twice
Publisher: Bolt Thrower Press
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/15/2023 06:16:24

First this is a niche product where you play a Lovecraftian monster going after the greater horrors in the Lovecraft world. It uses the Monsters Monsters rule set by Ken St. Andre to play. As such it may not be for everyone. If you do get this, what you get is something people who love this world put all their heart and soul into making. This is not a commercial cash in but a product of fans wanting to share their love of the game and it shows. Pick this up not only if you want to play it but if you want to see how a RPG setting should be created and used.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Shub-Niggurath Always Rings Twice
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The Lovecraft Variant
Publisher: Bolt Thrower Press
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/15/2023 06:07:26

Tunnels and Trolls was the game that brought me into the TTRPG world. Since then I have played many other games. Most of them have very complicated rules and character creation, especially anything to do with Lovecraft Mythos. This set of articles gets you into H. P. Lovecraft's world without all the complications. One note pick up Ken St. Andre's latest Monsters Monsters rule set to play with this. These are the most up to date rules for the Tunnels and Trolls system.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Lovecraft Variant
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Hulks and Horrors - Basic Black Edition
Publisher: Bedroom Wall Press
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/07/2021 07:04:22

Love this game. The mechanics are 1st Edition of the Gygax game which work fine for an RPG that is all about Dungeon Crawling or more appropriately a lost starship, space station, pod colony, science complex and ruined city crawler. While there are no starting adventures in the book (sorry to those who need everything handed to them), there are more than enough examples and charts (lots of charts) that make it easy to create an advanture which is tailored to your play group.

The only down side of this game is that there was never any follow up and the game looks to only have this one book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hulks and Horrors - Basic Black Edition
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FREE Monster Sampler
Publisher: Mayhem in Paper
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/30/2021 07:17:52

What you see is what you get. All of this company's paper products are good quality and way less work than plastic. Always fun to play with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FREE Monster Sampler
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Dead Record: Official Rulebook
Publisher: Greyshield Games
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/22/2021 06:54:07

This is a fun, easy to learn game that the author obviously put a great deal of time into. I will be doing the same review for all three parts since you really need all three to play. This is a minor point since you do not have to pay for any of them but you should to show support. Break down The Official Rulebook covers what you need to play but I found some of the details like weapon information were only in Tutorial Campaign. Still very minor point as both books are well organized and easy to use. The Printable Collection is to me the best part. You could play this game with miniatures but the work and love that went into the 2D prints and that everything you need is there makes this superior to so many "professional" games where you are left scrambling for status markers.

Game play is simple and the single action a turn really makes you think about what you want to do with each character. Set up is quick and the terrain generator guarantees you a different game each time. The campaign system is good allowing you to build up a team of survivors and take on more challenging Zombies.

One thing I have learned playing is if you think you have enough Concealed Monster Zones add more. The randomness of Zombies appearing add a great element to the game keeping you guessing but one game thanks to dice rolling I only had three Zombies appear in the entire game.

Thanks Trevor a really fun game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dead Record: Official Rulebook
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for your kind review! I am so glad that you had a good experience with Dead Record. Embracing randomness and the unknown provides a lot of variability to each mission. Sometimes this works in your favor, allowing you to sweep in and out, collecting valuable supplies...and sometimes everything seems to go wrong and the best option is to flee or risk heavy casualties. I am chugging along on the next campaign and will keep your feedback in mind as I continue to edit and improve the Rulebook! - Trevor
Dead Record: The Printable Collection
Publisher: Greyshield Games
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/22/2021 06:53:50

This is a fun, easy to learn game that the author obviously put a great deal of time into. I will be doing the same review for all three parts since you really need all three to play. This is a minor point since you do not have to pay for any of them but you should to show support. Break down The Official Rulebook covers what you need to play but I found some of the details like weapon information were only in Tutorial Campaign. Still very minor point as both books are well organized and easy to use. The Printable Collection is to me the best part. You could play this game with miniatures but the work and love that went into the 2D prints and that everything you need is there makes this superior to so many "professional" games where you are left scrambling for status markers.

Game play is simple and the single action a turn really makes you think about what you want to do with each character. Set up is quick and the terrain generator guarantees you a different game each time. The campaign system is good allowing you to build up a team of survivors and take on more challenging Zombies.

One thing I have learned playing is if you think you have enough Concealed Monster Zones add more. The randomness of Zombies appearing add a great element to the game keeping you guessing but one game thanks to dice rolling I only had three Zombies appear in the entire game.

Thanks Trevor a really fun game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dead Record: The Printable Collection
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for your kind review! I am so glad that you had a good experience with Dead Record. Drawing these doodles is the most fun part of the whole process. Expanded tokens, more Survivor options, and special locations (with much greater detail) are coming with the next release!
Dead Record: Starter Materials
Publisher: Greyshield Games
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/22/2021 06:53:30

This is a fun, easy to learn game that the author obviously put a great deal of time into. I will be doing the same review for all three parts since you really need all three to play. This is a minor point since you do not have to pay for any of them but you should to show support. Break down The Official Rulebook covers what you need to play but I found some of the details like weapon information were only in Tutorial Campaign. Still very minor point as both books are well organized and easy to use. The Printable Collection is to me the best part. You could play this game with miniatures but the work and love that went into the 2D prints and that everything you need is there makes this superior to so many "professional" games where you are left scrambling for status markers.

Game play is simple and the single action a turn really makes you think about what you want to do with each character. Set up is quick and the terrain generator guarantees you a different game each time. The campaign system is good allowing you to build up a team of survivors and take on more challenging Zombies.

One thing I have learned playing is if you think you have enough Concealed Monster Zones add more. The randomness of Zombies appearing add a great element to the game keeping you guessing but one game thanks to dice rolling I only had three Zombies appear in the entire game.

Thanks Trevor a really fun game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dead Record: Starter Materials
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for your kind review! I am so glad that you had a good experience with Dead Record. In my experience, more CMZs = more fun! You just never know what is around the corner...
Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory - Forsaken System Player's Guide
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/11/2021 07:29:46

Book adds much more detail and expands on many of the source material presented in the Core Rulebook. It does concentrate on the Imperium and the core six planets of the system which is not a bad thing and I am looking forward to another expansion for the Xenos, Traitros and Heretics.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory - Forsaken System Player's Guide
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Wrath & Glory: The Graveyard Shift
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/25/2020 12:21:21

In the grim darkness of the Warhammer 40K universe even a simple walk through a graveyard is complicated, especially when the graveyard takes up the entire moon and making food and tools out of the bodies is normal. Short simple adventure which can launch others adventures. Only downside is as played players do not get a choice about going on the mission but that is way to easy to fix.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wrath & Glory: The Graveyard Shift
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Classic Traveller-CT-A12-Secret of the Ancients
Publisher: Far Future Enterprises - Traveller
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/19/2017 18:40:41

An exact copy of the original material. Good to complete a collection and an interesting adventure completing the Traveller mythology.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Classic Traveller-CT-A12-Secret of the Ancients
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Ebook: Fate of the Kinunir
Publisher: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW)
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/19/2017 18:37:10

I wanted very much to like this book since I am a huge fan of the original Traveller but all I could think of was "who really wrote this crap". Supposedly the author had over 100 writing credits when he did this but there were so many inconsistancies that I frequently lost track. For example, the first officer is described as a nerdy science type who has never been on a starship before. Later the captain can't tell how old she is because she is a spacer. Later still our nerd disarms a soldier with her combat training removes the magazine and gives him the weapon back and then turns around and laughs at the guard when he tries to shoot her in the back and can't because he doesn't notice there is no magazine in HIS weapon and when he does apparently doesn't have a spare.

The worst sin is that this was supposed to explain what happened to the Kinunir but instead added a lot more that wasn't in the original adventure, left out a few things that were and expects a planet full of rioting people to not talk about the ship that caused the riot when anyone else stopped by.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Ebook: Fate of the Kinunir
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36 Dramatic Situations
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2016 17:40:05

More for writers then for RPG module creators as it just gives the basic plot or subplots of all novels. If you are a hack and slash creator then this will not be very helpful. If you are going for a more twisted plot it can prove very helpful.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
36 Dramatic Situations
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Wreck Age Quickstart & Basic Rules
Publisher: Hyacinth Games
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2016 17:36:32

A nice up of the game in a very short space. Only problem was this was one of two covers for an identical product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wreck Age Quickstart & Basic Rules
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