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The Omen
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The Omen
Publisher: Hyacinth Games
by Philip C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/06/2016 18:51:00

This beginning adventure for Wreck Age is a wonderful mix of various encounters which can be handled in many different ways. Since Wreck Age can be either a table top mini game or an RPG or a combination any adventure can have difficulty finding the balance of the two. The Omen manages to pull it off. It is very sandbox with only a couple of fixed encounters and then many possible encounters which can be taken or left. It also presents several ways to make this one shot adventure into a campaign including the PCs leaving their current faction and jioning one of two others or striking out on their own.

Use this module as your introduction to Wreck Age.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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