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The Amazon is a wonderful (and timely addition) to Light City. The class is bursting with flavour and is the first Light City attempt to handle Super Strength. Like all addition, it also comes with a max level hero. This is hands down my favourite class in the series.
Revelry in Torth is an OSR adventure/sandbox by the mad sorcerer Venger Satanis (who judging by artwork seems to be an immortal wizard).
The tome is a mini sandbox/city that gives DM's lots of new toys to play with.
Torth is set in the fifth age. What you need to know is magic and technology flourished in previous ages, humanoidkind's robotic servants sought to rise up, and to stop the revolt powerful wizards magically nuked the world.
As far as tools go, we are presented with two new classes. The Shadow Priest gains dark umbra powers from devotion to the less bright areas of the nebulous realms outside our own. The Wandering Minstrel is a cool, non spell-casting bard. Their abilities are pretty useful and have cool names, my favourite being Fingering the Spanish Guitar aka Spanish Fly which makes someone who would normally be attracted to the minstrel full of red hot passion. The book also gives us nine magic items (my favourite being the Devil's Tooth) and five spells (including the awesome Creeping Crimson).
We are presented with the scorched planet of Torth and various bits of info about it (including an outline of the ages). Venger also introduces us to the tribes and secret societies of the world and gives us insight into magic (and a nifty and dangerous magic drug).
The adventure/sandbox itself takes place in and around Aryd's End. We are presented with some backstory, stats for important npcs and their secret forces, and a classically awesome random rumor table. What follows is a rough plot and random characters to get your party's adrenaline pumping and blood spraying. There is enough here for multiple sessions and it's definitely not a railroad situation.
If you want a nice sandbox for some Heavy Metal or Conan inspired action, Revelry in Torth is just what you need.
Stairway to V'dreen is the newest Crimson Dragon Slayer offering by Venger Satanis (who was cool enough to give me a review copy).
The adventure starts in media res. The party has to seek cover/protection from something and discovered Doctor Ebzub and his almost completed experiment. This (most likely) leads them to the dying world of V'dreen. On this planet, which is literally fading out of existence, the players will randomly hear faint echos of the forgetful gods that created the world (the worst kinds of gods... tabletop gamers). The party must venture through the world, encountering strange and potentially powerful denizens (such as the Beast of V'Dreen and the Faceless Demon) until finally ascending the Stairway of V'dreen. Here they can infect with the purple, revitalize it, or put it out of its misery.
The adventure has all of hallmarks of Venger's work: creative and gonzo encounters, interesting descriptions, and just the right amount of sleaze (I'm looking at you Seejo Tulon). Venger's style is for Venger (he said so himself), but it's enjoyable for anyone who doesn't take everything too seriously.
While the adventure is designed for Crimson Dragon Slayer (which you should grab), it could easily be converted to any OSR game (or newer edition designed from the classics).
Light City#2 - The Elemental is a great continuation of the author's Swords & Wizardry Light to supers game project. The elemental is a great choice for making something like the Human Torch but even works for something like Green Lantern. He gets a nice selection of abilities and a nice version of flight that doesn't unbalance the game. Definitely check this one out.
The Outer Presence is the eldritch-pulp investigative game by Venger Satanis. The initial release contained rules for play and an adventure. This was followed by the adventure A Green Jewel They Must Possess. The latest offering in this line is His Flesh Becomes My Key (which the chaos lord himself gave to me to review).
The module comes in at 18 pages and has a rather disturbing cover. I like it and it fits quite well. Honestly this is the type of thing that gets into my head way more than some tentacled monstrosity. Well played, sir.
The intro begins with the state of the world. Our world is on a fault-line and at times the Great Old Ones can influence our reality. The discussion of what this affect has reminds me of one of my favourite underrated flicks, In The Mouth of Madness. Which makes me ask, do your read Sutter Cane?
I really like this adventure but don't want to say too much about it out of fear of spoilers. The characters and scenes are memorable as is the twist, which gives this one nice replay-ability. The adventure is very adult, but not in the over the top sleaze way of Alpha Blue. It's dark and infects your mind. The prose is vivid and evocative.
Basically if this adventure was a movie, it'd probably be one of my favourites.
High Stakes Q'uay-Q'uar is the newest adventure by +Venger Satanis for his sleazy space porno rpg, Alpha Blue. The evil SDM gave me a copy and asked me to review it so here we go!
The pdf is 18 pages. The cover is interesting. Can't say that I understand it in context to the adventure. It's just sexual and has a sci-fi vibe. Hell, maybe I do understand it. The cover is also nsfw, though it's the only art like that for this product (which surprised me).
After a quick intro to the adventure, we're presented with two character classes. The first is the xenologist. These spacers specialize in studying alien species. They can use this to enhance their animal magnetism, make others feel stupid with their vast amount of alien facts, and make themselves seem useful (despite basically being a walking wikipedia article). The other class is the pickup artist. Now in real life I really hate these dudebros. These are the guys that learn "the game" so that they can get laid. However, they make perfect sense in the oversexed galaxy of Alpha Blue. Sex is (obviously) important in Alpha Blue and we get some other game benefits from it.
The adventure begins with the party standing over a corpse and gives them ample reason to go to the Q'uay-Q'uor tournament (and a random chart if they need more persuasion). What is Q'uay-Quor? It's a stupid, but strangely fun game popular among gamblers and other unsavory folks. The rest of the adventure is details the who, where, and how. I've got to be honest, while all these characters are interesting and funny (especially fallen zedi Quai-Gon Jizz) my favourite inclusion is the tournament director, David "Space" Pumpkins. In classic Alpha Blue (and Venger) style we get several charts to help flesh out the attendees.
The pdf ends with a few campaign sheets for Alpha Blue a nice quick look at pc motivation. This includes some great insight into humanity. While I know Venger's a smart guy, I wasn't expecting something this deep in an Alpha Blue product.
In addition to the adventure you also get the complete Q'uay-Q'uor rules and a full color game board to print. I've not tried it yet, but it seems simple and fun
Should you buy High Stakes Q'uay-Q'uor? Umm, fuck yeah. It's a solid adventure premise that could work just as easy for something like White Star if you don't have Alpha Blue. Then again, why don't you have Alpha Blue yet? Seriously, go buy it. You won't regret it. If you want retro sci-fi sleaze and cheese, then grab this (and Alpha Blue if you don't already have it).
Carpe diem, motherf*cker!
The Brawler is a solid beat 'em up supers class using Swords & Wizardry Light. The layout is appealing and the use of public domain supers is on point. I can't wait to see what the future holds for Light City.
Originally posted: http://punverse.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-buried-zikurat.html
Overview: The Buried Zikurat is the second part of Kevin Watson's Haunting of Hastur series. It's for a party of characters level 6-8. It has an implied setting, but is easy to import into any game. A zikarut has been discovered by a clay mining operation and the pc's are hired to investigate.
Layout: Each room of the zikarut is presented in a simple and useful layout like this:
Number - Name of Room
Ingress/Egress: how to get in and out of the room and where it leads
Description: Detailed description for the DM.
Players: Descriptions for players:
Lore: History of the room. Not all room descriptions feature this.
Crunchy Bits: 1 new monster (Nexus Guardian), 1 new spell (Destroy Stone), 3 new magic items (Boots of Formene, Cloak of Formene, Ring of Elvenkind)
Thoughts: This adventure is full of puzzles/riddles. This is a nice change of pace from most published adventures I see, which are light on encounters like that. However, if those aren't your players' style they can just fight nexus guardians to get past locks.
I like Kevin's take on elves. In particular the Formene's are an interesting version of "dark elves." They live underground, but they are definitely not Lolth-worshiping spider-kissers.
Overall, I think this is a fun adventure with a nice connection to otherworldly horrors. It's got a mythos vibe, but it is not a beat you over the head with tentacles while you're looting the random dungeon experience.
Originally posted: http://punverse.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-buried-zikurat.html
Overview: The Buried Zikurat is the second part of Kevin Watson's Haunting of Hastur series. It's for a party of characters level 6-8. It has an implied setting, but is easy to import into any game. A zikarut has been discovered by a clay mining operation and the pc's are hired to investigate.
Layout: Each room of the zikarut is presented in a simple and useful layout like this:
Number - Name of Room
Ingress/Egress: how to get in and out of the room and where it leads
Description: Detailed description for the DM.
Players: Descriptions for players:
Lore: History of the room. Not all room descriptions feature this.
Crunchy Bits: 1 new monster (Nexus Guardian), 1 new spell (Destroy Stone), 3 new magic items (Boots of Formene, Cloak of Formene, Ring of Elvenkind)
Thoughts: This adventure is full of puzzles/riddles. This is a nice change of pace from most published adventures I see, which are light on encounters like that. However, if those aren't your players' style they can just fight nexus guardians to get past locks.
I like Kevin's take on elves. In particular the Formene's are an interesting version of "dark elves." They live underground, but they are definitely not Lolth-worshiping spider-kissers.
Overall, I think this is a fun adventure with a nice connection to otherworldly horrors. It's got a mythos vibe, but it is not a beat you over the head with tentacles while you're looting the random dungeon experience.
Originally posted: http://punverse.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-buried-zikurat.html
Overview: The Buried Zikurat is the second part of Kevin Watson's Haunting of Hastur series. It's for a party of characters level 6-8. It has an implied setting, but is easy to import into any game. A zikarut has been discovered by a clay mining operation and the pc's are hired to investigate.
Layout: Each room of the zikarut is presented in a simple and useful layout like this:
Number - Name of Room
Ingress/Egress: how to get in and out of the room and where it leads
Description: Detailed description for the DM.
Players: Descriptions for players:
Lore: History of the room. Not all room descriptions feature this.
Crunchy Bits: 1 new monster (Nexus Guardian), 1 new spell (Destroy Stone), 3 new magic items (Boots of Formene, Cloak of Formene, Ring of Elvenkind)
Thoughts: This adventure is full of puzzles/riddles. This is a nice change of pace from most published adventures I see, which are light on encounters like that. However, if those aren't your players' style they can just fight nexus guardians to get past locks.
I like Kevin's take on elves. In particular the Formene's are an interesting version of "dark elves." They live underground, but they are definitely not Lolth-worshiping spider-kissers.
Overall, I think this is a fun adventure with a nice connection to otherworldly horrors. It's got a mythos vibe, but it is not a beat you over the head with tentacles while you're looting the random dungeon experience.
Originally posted at (www.http://punverse.blogspot.com/)
The book is one of the most entertaining low level adventures I've read in a long time. The party are weary from their time on the road and come upon a small town. It seems like a dump, but hey they have an inn. The party meet various unique townsfolk and get talked into helping one of the locals get his prized chicken back. The party then faces goblins (along with a new offshoot race, goblings) and chickens that have been transformed into monsters via demonic rituals.
Adventure Most Fowl is a well written adventure and a great micro-sandbox. There are several fun npc's and plot hooks in the adventure. I've not ran this yet, but I have no doubt that it will be memorable.
The author does a good job giving background and translating Krampus from legend to game stats. Show some holiday spirit and toss some silver (or gold) his way.
This is a fun little write-up that actually takes D&D cosmology into account. I think that makes this version of Krampus even easier to use. Do yourself a favor. Pick up this pdf and through some silver (or maybe even gold) to Skirmisher.
Trick or Treat is a short (7 page ) Halloween themed adventure for 5E that can be found at the Dungeon Masters Guild. It's rather simple, but festive and fun. The party comes across a small town celebrating Reaping Day (a fall harvest and honouring the dead festival).The festival includes a haunted house, bugbear dunking game, and pumpkin carving contest. Unfortunately when a ritual is miscast by a clueless townsfolk member, people become their costumes.
I've read through the adventure and it seems like a fun romp. If you want something spoopy (and I mean spoopy, not spooky) and have two bucks to spare, you should pick this up.
I did notice a minor proofreading oversight. The Nightmare Before Christmas is attributed to "Time Burton."
The class itself is very interesting. It attacks as a fighter can use any weapon or piece of armor. It has d6 hit dice. Only lawful humans can be witchfinders. The start with a bonus on saving throws versus magic from chaotic casters.
What really makes the class interesting to me is its gritty inquisitor nature. All witchfinders have a higher than average chance of extracting useful information through torture. This starts at 60% and increases 2% per class level.
The other starting ability they get is quite unique. It is spread anxiety. There are no hard and fast, concrete rules for this. Essentially it's a tool for the GM'. Commoners will treat the witchfinder with fear and paranoia. They will avoid the witchfinder and placate them to avoid suspicion.
As they level up they gain the ability to cast the following spells as a cleric: detect magic, detect evil, protection from evil, bless, protection from evil (10 foot radius), and holy word.
In addition, at 9th level they can establish a malefizhaus. This is a witch-house that attracts low level witch hunters that will vow to protect the surrounding area. Historically, a malfiz haus was essentially a church torture
I really, really like this class. While it doesn't have a place in light-hearted games, it could lead to some really interesting games with a darker tone. Also, it's free! Check it out.