This is very well done and would like to see more. Maybe start the characters out as zero level commoners and based on their actions, assign them points towards what they will progress to be at the end of the adventure.
Just a quick flick through reveals that this covers most of the basics (Legal, Logo, map More on that later), creature stat blocks), though a contact (email address) would have been nice. Also noted that there isn't any independant editor or proofreader mentioned, nor whether it's been playtested or not.
I feel some basic editing is required ( ... no page numbers for starters :(, font in different sizes is annoying, not in 2 columns which makes it annoying to read quickly, etc ...). The only skill check seen is on page 6 (?) and then it's confusing that the author wants as it's not in the correct format.
No effort has been made to reference where creatures can be found which is disappointing.
The layout is slightly similar to the AL Organised Play layout which isn't bad by not well executed. If this is the case then I think you need to go back and relook at what they do and mirror it a little more closely.
The adventure appearss clean and well written (though a proper read through is still required for editing, grammer and continuity). There is a difined ending where the author leads into a hunt of another follow on adventure to come. Always like it when they do this :)
The author uses both the XP system and Milestone system for advancement ... well done!.
Now ... those maps .... OMG! Although maps are included (well done), the fact that they are poorly hand drawn is an incrediable shame. Do yourself a favour and either get someone to draw these out to a better quality or take the time to learn any of the free map programs that are floating around. Your adventure was doing well until I got to those last 2 pages ... a shame really.
Shame you used the PWYW method as I feel this will not do you or your adventure justice; listed at the minimum .50c would have gotten you further.
Conclusion ... some work is needd to improve it but worth a look all the same :)
Just a quick flick through reveals that this covers most of the basics (Legal, Logo, map, creature stat blocks), though a contact (email address) would have been nice. Also noted that there isn't any independant editor or proofreader mentioned, nor whether it's been playtested or not.
I feel some basic editing is required (immediate example is that the footer layout doesn't need to be over 2 lines). The fact that the author has made an effort to get skill checks and saves in the correct format, and has made an effort to reference where creatures can be found is in her credit :). The use of the standard WotC layout is executed well.
The adventure appearss clean and well written (though a proper read through is still required for editing, grammer and continuity). There is no Epilogue or Conclusion or any way shown on how to extend the adventure beyond what's written (no a deal breaker but the final polish would have been nice).
I have a concern with the background picture that appears on every page in that it makes it distracting to read through it. I also feel that when printed out in B&W (the default print), this background picture will obscure much of the content infront of it. Either lighten it up so that it is just visiable or remove it altogether.
Shame you used the PWYW method as I feel this will not do you or your adventure justice; listed at the minimum .50c would have gotten you further.
Conclusion ... not bad and well worth the look :)
I'll start be saying that the fact that this product has 100 spells that bring back many nostelgic memories is awesome. Love it and thanks for the effort.
... and thats where the good points end.
If this had been a PWYW purchase then I wouldn't have been so harsh in my comments to come, but here goes.
The product lacks any form of cover, credits, legals or DMG logo. The fact that, at the very least, you fail to mention where you obtained your material may be in breach of DMG guidelines (you may need to check on this).
The layout, though I like the scroll background, leaves a huge amount to be proud of. Sorting by level is great but I would have expected it to be sorted by class too.
Now, my pet peeve ... spelling mistakes, grammer and punctuation leaves a lot to be desired. The failure to include credits rang alarm bells when I opened the product; the mistakes clearly showrd a lack of an editor and proofreader BEFORE the product was released. Being a paid product, you should have utilised the services of both BEFORE release. This is one area I'd push you to fix, and is the reflecting note of my midway score in the ratings.
Great work! Pity those dragons when gnomes work out there's more to firearms than muskets. i have questions pending, but from what i see here, there is enough information to get a start on using 5e rules to run a Modern game that involves firearms.
... or advancing the tech level of your gnomes and dwarves to rival that of the local Mages Guild :P
i've run a number of times Undermountain Campaigns but have never had good maps of Waterdeep to go with them.
Problem solved with the addition of these truely awesome maps that both I as DM can use and ones that can be handed to my players to use. Having one that I can blow up to poster size will help me heaps!
I can't thank you enough and look forward to seeing the looks on my future players faces when they get their hands on these.
I finally got a chance to have a quick peek at what I have to say is an awesome addition to my slowly growing map collection.
Absolutely Superb and will see plenty of use in the upcoming hardbook adventure release!
Thank you!
This is awesome work!!! Players are going to have SOOOO much fun in this one.
What makes it extra special? All the colour maps within the adventure comes with the PRINT FRIENDLY B&W versions at the end of the module. EXCELLENT!!!
Another great piece of writing from one of the guilds leading writers!!!
Always loved the variety behind the 4E version of the monsters and was not overly pleased to see this disappear during 5E. The fact that writers take the time to duplicate these here is a great advantage to all eanting 'MORE'.
The product delivers what its intended to deliver. The writer has taken great care to reproduce the intended feel of the 4E counterparts to 5E. The overall balance and playability of whats presented is great.
Love the gact that the writer has included the main gobliniod races in the one manuscript instead of separating them down to smaller content. Very much appreciated.
My only gripe would bevthat stat blocks are spread over multiple pagess instead of attempting to restrict them to the same page. i personally hate flipping pages for creatures to get the info I need, especially during combat. If a revision was ever intended, fixing this would be great. It didnt effect my rating though.
Hoping to see more of these to come.
Awesome resource and one that every game should include at their table
Another AWESOME contribution to the guild from this celebrity of guild writers. A must have adventure for your collection!
Have to say I'm quite impressed with what's presrnted here. The level of detail gone into these is awesome, and I can see many, if not all, making their way into spellbooks erverywhere. Really looking forward to seeing more spells from you. You've made it into my writers watch list.
The concept and story behind this adventure is good. Initially designed as a con game, it should be playable within the 3 hr period, though the depth required and the combats involved, may make this time limit a hard push. Although playable, as is, a serious edit, proof read and layout fix is required. Mind you, at this price, even if you made the fixes yourself, you can't complain.
I love the fact that there is both the DM and Player versions to these! There is nothing worse, when it comes to handouts, where you have to hand draw the player option. Having these pre-done is great.
I understand these are designed to be printed onto 3 x 5 cards, but by landscaping the print, dropping the print size to 98%, I'm able to print them out for a larger size card, which I prefer at the gaming table. The larger size is better for players too. The versatility here is an added bonus.
Lastly, the addition of the draw your own grids at the back allow me to tweek the maps by adding extra levels, whist still using the same format ... excellent.
All up, very impressed and looking forward to Axebanes next Pocket Maps set ... maybe a wilderness (camp sites, clearings, groves, etc) or building (inn, tavern, manors, shops, blacksmith, etc) set next time :P
I been playing this game for just shy over 40 years and have had a love affair with kobolds since day one of 1e. I thought I knew everything about how these little blighters work ... oh how I can be so wrong.
Tony has reinvented the kobold in my eyes. If you think that 8th to 12th level characters are going to walk through this adventure unscathed, you better think again.
Killer Kobolds is one adventure you'll want to be very careful with that character you've come to love ... the grave is only one bad step away (LOL).