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FVC3 - Sinking of the Mercy $3.00
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FVC3 - Sinking of the Mercy
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FVC3 - Sinking of the Mercy
Publisher: Adventures in Filbar
by Alastair M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/12/2016 12:21:56

The product description sells this adventure a little short, I think. Far from being a potentially routine sunken treasure ship rescue, probably by the coast from the cover map (and because it sank in a storm), it's actually a far more intriguing, and much rarer, largely undersea adventure, in which the sunken treasure ship becomes merely one element - and not necessarily even one of the more valuable or interesting parts! There's a huge new monster, a hidden Kuo-Toa city (which seems ripe for fuller description in a subsequent Filbar product - hint, hint), a secret Elven city (ditto!), the remains of a lost civilization the recent storms have uncovered on the sea-bed, and yes, wrecks to explore, perhaps against some treasure-seeking competition.

I'd have liked a little more description of the sea-floor in places, and a separate Wandering Monster/Random Encounters table for the Kelp Forest areas - which too would have benefited from further detailing - given the deep sea setting is so unusual compared to the typical land wildernesses most GM's will be more familiar with. GM's with an eye for a sub-aqua tale though will likely be happy enough to come up with their own ideas for such things. The adventure map provided is already helpful in this regard, as are this publisher's characteristic flavour photos and drawings. I could have done with a plan view of the ship type to accompany the cross-section drawing though, as I can never remember port from starboard (which hand's left again?)...

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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