This book is a must for any Thief. it enhances the play so much that anyone playing without it is missing a great reasource. This book is a must have!!
Love this book, we can not do without it. It is so important to all our campaignes no matter what world they are placed in. Thank you so much for making these downloads possible. They are worth their weight in gold.
Love this book, Thank you, thank you, thank you for making it possible to download this book. We really use it all the time during our dungeon creation and play.
Excellent download. I have been so happy to be able to get a copy of this. We have them in storage but we really needed them to be able to continue playing while we were in transition. Thank you for makiing this possible.
This book is great. It really goes well with Dark Ages Mage. i think anyone wishing to play a Mage should have a copy of this book to enhance their play.