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Spoils and Rewards Volume 1
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Spoils and Rewards Volume 1
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Luc C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/01/2016 03:31:17

I mainly took this for the magic item section about prices and setting up shops. that alone is well worth it, it really helped me flesh out magic shops. what i do dislike is that all those things are better done in a software on your phone or tablet. because its taking a lot of time to set up shops on the spot and really slows the game down. but aside from that, really good book i recommend it to everyone who just want to learn more about how to make your game that much true. just make your stuff before hand create a few things, then you are ready to go in your game.

Great stuff worth the read !

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Spoils and Rewards Volume 1
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Josh C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/25/2016 08:51:50

This is a short product designed to help generate ideas for DMs to incorporate into their campaigns. There are three sections: magic items, plot hooks and magic shops.

The magic item section is precisely what you would expect. It is a collection of a variety of magical items of varying strength and utility from common to artifact level. Overall, the items are interesting and the author often tweaks expectations to provide multiple abilities in an item, but forcing the PC to restrict which option is available to him. For example, a magical ring of two metals has a different effect depending on which metal is facing out from the wearer’s body. It’s little touches like that which make this collection compelling and the items within stand out.

There are a few spots where the rules language could use shoring up. For example, the arcane wand allows you to prepare a spell into a wand with some neat utility. I believe the intention of the item is that the spell is then unavailable to be cast using your regular spell slots, but language is not as clear as it could be. Still, the idea is clever and the intention is clear.

The plot hooks section is a fun little read. Essentially, the author is presenting adventure ideas focusing on magical items. All of these are clever and would be fun to play. There are some slight typographical errors such as ‘salad’ for ‘slaad’ but they are never enough to obscure the intended meaning.

The final section offers some examples of magic item shops along with some ideas on how to construct your own. The examples are solid and are built with lots of plot hooks available for the DM to use. It could probably use some tables to randomly generate a store to go along with the advice on how to build one, but it’s a solid chapter.

Overall, this is a strong product with a few small errors that can easily be fixed with another editing pass. For a DM looking for an unexpected magical item or some magical ideas to spice up their campaign, it is well worth a look.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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