This is a great system to use in a pinch, but the real value I've gotten from this game over the years lies in its excellent set of tables!
First off. this book was a blast to read, I really enjoyed the humor and rules presentation, like it is explained in character, but not too over done.
Second, and this is the best bit, is all the tables! I have to be honest and say I probably wouldn't ever run this game with it's ruleset, I tend to stick to Scarlet Heroes when solo-ing or Troika/DCC/D&D 5e when playing with friends.
Before reading, I was most interested the city generation tables to play with other systems, and am definitely going to nick a lot from this book.
This is a great update to the first 4AD Deck Dungeon!
I must admit to having first played this printed from Pocket Games' Download Page and thoroughly enjoyed it despite it being a tad linear - this version has more rooms and hallways with branches, which helps a lot.
It also has had cards added to it to flesh it out to match the other decks in the series, hence the "Advanced" moniker. It also now has monsters that scale to your party's level.
It is still one of the simpler Deck Dungeons, but hard not to recommend as using any of these removes all the lookup tables, you just draw as you need for maps, monsters, traps and loot.
PDF is pay-what-you-want so there really isn't any reason to not try this one and see if you like it.
This is very much my favorite 2D6 Space setting, I floated though using this with Cepheus Deluxe + Solo and now along with Hostile Solo. Most 2D6 stuff plays well with others - I don't see any problems using this setting with any game system you prefer.
All of Zozer's books are well layed out, good looking and easy to read.
There's a printer-friendly copy that mostly just removes the background coloring - it still has a number of tables with green-on-black print. If 2D6 space was my main RPG, I'd definately spring for hard copies.
Star-Trek-ish games can be fun, but I love the more old-school expecting to die often mentality here and it is married well with the types of things that space travellers would be doing in a more realistic universe driven by capitolism.
Finally, the setting is well supported - Zozer has a number of free and paid supplements here on DTRPG - my favorite is probably Crew Expendable. Each adds a nice chunk of ready to use material and expands the Hostile setting well.
If you like Aliens and play 2D6 Space RPGs, this book is a no-brainer!
I can't really add much to what others have said, but this is easily one of the most fun adventures I've run in a long time. (For the record, my players encountered this at random while playing Troika!, it was pretty easy to scale things since most anything goes in that system.)
It's an interesting scenario for both DM and players, extremely well laid out and I am always thrilled to see maps I can use for the players.
An excellent addition to Neon Road.
I had several ideas for cars in NR, but Noah's ruleset is much better and has a very active use of cars in-game.
Not just a mode of transportation (avoiding Move Rolls) they can be used in Combat as well.
Very cool, and easily the most useful of the Rules Expansions for this game so far!
An Essential add on for repeated plays of Pencilvillage. Very well thought out.
Events turn from "roll 2D6 on a table" to "D6 + turn number" on a much larger table with three tiers.
Once a teir 1 or 2 event happens, you cross it out and the same numerical result goes to the next tier, opening up the possibility for events to be stronger/more swingy as the game progresses. If the tier 3 event is already marked, then you re-roll until you get a different result, which keeps the same event from happening more than a few times in a game.
This is my favorite world-building (small scale!) solo print & play game.
It's just meaty enough to be interesting but still fast playing and there are numerous paths to victory. Also, I love making maps. :)
The Advanced Event table adds a decent amount of variety once you've played the base game a handful of times.
This book was a great read.
I've been roleplaying since the late 70s, have recently turned to solo gaming due to time limitations and learned quite a bit from this book.
I had come across Castle Oldskull before, and finally picked up The Classic Dungeon Design Guide (and many others) due to the sale.
This book has got to be my favorite of the bunch.
I am currently running though a random dungeon with this, using bits from the Guide and Traps books, solo with Scarlet Heroes rules and having a total blast!
Like someone else said this is much like a hyper version of the 4AD generation rules, with access to a lot more detail you might want for a full RPG. Should I survive/ever get bored of the dungeon I'll probably take the same hero through some city-state encounters and perhaps use the Adventure and World Generators to see where that takes me.
Kent David Kelly has done a great job with these books.
1.2 - This is the second adventure released for Neon Road, and significantly different than first.
This expansion gives you a nice color map to visualize the encounter, as opposed to generating an area like in 1.1
It can be used in Wild areas, involves biker gang types, hostages to save and there a potentially re-occuring BBEG who you have to defeat at the end.
I look forward to more of these!
Very solid suppliment here, great bang for the buck.
Well formatted and organized, easy to read.
The Class Events are well done and easy to implement to give some in-between things to do during the campain, as are the Class Performance rules.
At first I thought the Groups and Rivals felt a little too "Harry Potter" but after reading through this I am going to use Rivals - there are suggestions here for inserting rivalry into certain points in the campaign which are excellent.
This is a fun one - in the game if rad poisioning causes one of your stats to drop to 0 you become a zombie.
Instead of Game Over, this add-on gives rules for playing as a zombie in said situation, or playing one outright. Zombies have lower overall skil, more hit points (which slowly drain) and aren't tolerated well in cities.
This is more of an item with extended rules than just a set of rules.
It adds a contraband item (random attribute enhancing chocolates) with rules for their effects which slot nicely into the main ruleset. There is a lot of risk/reward in carrying these things.
The suggestion to have these available only around Valentine's Day is a nice one - I think I'd expand that to around major holidays to make them more available, but still scarse.
The first expansion to Neon Road is off to a good start.
Drops right in to a City location, giving you a new area to explore.
IMHO, the only thing that feels like it's missing is some sort of payout for the mission - in this game you get resources for winning combat, but something small like some Radiation Pills or a unique item would have been nice.
I am anxiously awaiting more expansions for this game.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you! Next time I'll leave some room for a REWARD along with the MISSION GOAL. |