This game literally saved my life. I was in a monumental depression resulted from my divorce with the Queen of England and loss of my 30 kids to rampaging alchoholic Squirrels. When I was just about to end it all and go face up those very squirrels... I stumbled upon this gem in DriveThruRPG. A free pinball game. Remembering my past sexual affairs with a pinball machine in the 60's, I knew that I was in for a treat. I am 600 hours in this one session, and I have not thought about squirrels since hour 300. Thank you, and I miss you Elizabeth. Oh and the game is pretty cool.
[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Very happy, Monte, that we could - literally - save your life!
Watch out for our next free Random Solo Adventure: Attack of the Monster Squirell, which will be released soon. I hope it doesn't bring back too many bad memories - but then, you can always go back to RSA: Pinball.