I have not had time to go through it, entirely, but what I've seen/read thus far, is impressive! For players and DM's who use 2e Specialty Priests, with limited Sphere access, as well as unique Granted Powers, these three books are amazing! The spells for water, alone, are incredible. For sea priests, these new spells are awesome! I would higly recommend them, for expanding your game's horizons. I assume there are spells for fire and earth and air elements, as well.
While not all of the spells are balanced, as they may have been written by game enthusiasts who were published in Dragon Magazine, they are worth consideration. I would suggest each DM will need to carefully review, and perhaps modify, many of the new spells. They are laid out according to Spheres, which is a monumental task, by itself. I would further suggest that the listed Spheres may not be enough. There is one water spell, for example, listed in Protection, alone -- it is not listed in the Water sphere...
I printed all three of these volumes, single-sided, excluding the covers, on an HP color laser printer, using gray-scale printing (black toner only), at full quality (more toner), not the econo-mode (less toner, less quality). It used up one-half of the black toner cartridge, at a cost of $79 per full, standard capacity, toner cartridge.
That means that each volume in this 3-volume set, cost me around $40 to print, in toner alone (roughly 270 pages, per book). I printed all three volumes, with the first and second volumes emptying what was left in my almost-new black toner cartridge. After I replaced the toner, it emptied 50% of the new cartridge, printing the third, and final volume of the series of books. Your experiences may vary, but I wanted to give folks an idea of how much it will cost, to print a decent copy of this, at home, using a LaserJet printer.
To put this into perspective, I bid on OOP hard copies, on e-Bay: they consistently sold for $92 per volume! I was bidding $80 per volume, and I was outbid repeatedly. For me, a $40 copy, which I then 3-hole punched, and placed into D-ring binders, was worthwhile.
If Hasbro/WotC ever make POD copies available, I will jump on them! The D-ring binder versions will work, but they're clumsy. I did, however, color code them by printing on different colors of paper, for each volume. This will allow us to know which volume we are in, at a glance. I hope this is helpful to folks. Cheers!