This is the kind of staff that we should've gotten as a part of Candlekeep Mysteries (CM).
To everyone's dismay, CM didn't offer much in terms of new and evocative monsters, NPCs and/or items. This expansion just exactly does that. This is a great addition to any collection out there; and a must-have for anyone who plans to run encounters that takes place in a wizard's tower, a mages' guild, an arcane laboratory and, of course, an ancient library.
The pdf is filled to the brim with flavorful constructs, beasts and monstrosities, each with stat blocks that serve their purpose; as well as NPCs that make more sense in a library environment than those pesky Master Sages we got in CM who cast multiple fireballs a day. Combined with the tasteful magical items introduced in the book, the creatures all have the potential to inspire adventures of their own. There's even a fully-fleshed out background option!
In any case, this is the pdf you should be getting if you wanna write your own CS-inspired adventures (or add character to the ones already in it).