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Map of Thay
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Phillip W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2016 16:33:13

Very nicely done map. Rob even added some additional names for small villages / towns to make the map seem more realistic. The escarpments look great. Quite possibly the best map of Thay that I've ever seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Map of Thay
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Necromancy Spells - Kazerabet's Art of Necromancy Volume I
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Phillip W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2016 08:00:57

Still going through it, but based on the work you did on the elemental magic of Zakhara, I am betting I'll like it. I note some of these I did remake myself, so I'll have to compare versions to see which I like more (may remove my own if this works mechanically better, or may keep both). Even moreso, I'm starting to make a spell list of all the DMs Guild spells that I like (starting to think I need to make a database to make life easier), and this stuff will likely be included. BTW, I like the low level animate spells, because there are times when you want to animate something and just make it walk ahead of the group, so the ones that are rituals would see a lot of use (cantrips not so much, as they're special slots that you can't change). Oh, and I like the idea behind spectral hand, but I need to look at 5e touch spells to see if they're instantaneous duration or last until used... for instance, shocking grasp is instantaneous, so you wouldn't be able to use it through your spectral hand... vampiric touch however isn't because its multiple rounds. It might be worth changing the wording of the cantrip so that it ends at the END of your next turn rather than the beginning just to clear up these catch 22's (i.e. you cast it the round before in preparation for using it the next round)... or maybe change it to a reactionary action, which you can take whenever you cast a touch based spell (though that may be a little more powerful). The idea however is great.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Necromancy Spells - Kazerabet's Art of Necromancy Volume I
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Creator Reply:
Hi, I did look at this when I updated things, but Spectral Hand is a bonus action to cast, so you can cast the cantrip right before you cast another touch spell, or again in later rounds if you'd make a melee spell attack.
Bestiary of Faerûn - Monsters of the Forgotten Realms
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Phillip W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2016 08:59:40

A very good compilation, and worth the few dollars it cost to save the time of creating monsters. I've even referenced it and provided credit for it in my own work, the Red Book of Spell Strategy, so that I didn't have to recreate the Bheur Hag, gemstone golems, and dread warrior. Well done sir.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bestiary of Faerûn - Monsters of the Forgotten Realms
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Elemental Magic of Zakhara (Al-Qadim & Forgotten Realms)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Phillip W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2016 08:53:28

This is a good product. The sidebar that notates that for 5th edition you should probably get rid of the opposition schools and thereby lose the elemental attunement is a good recommendation, though this isn't nearly as impacting as it was in 2nd edition when these elementalist mages lacked the standard wizard's spell list. The arcane traditions are nice, and the spells are a generally a good addition (along with those from the elemental evil player's companion from WotC). I may put these spells (just the spell names) in my class spell list in my product (the Red Book of Spell Strategy) with a reference to this product (as a means to make it easier for player's to find good resources AND have an easy reference to where all these different spells are and which classes they're for). If there were one thing that I wish the author had done, I wish he had actually created a class spell list including the other classes (though he does list a section of why he worries about doing so). Certain of these spells (such as the wind jambiya cantrip) should have no problem being a cantrip for say a bard or druid to give them a better thematic feel without overpowering them. Certain of the rituals though will need to be careful about whether they become standard wizard spells (as opposed to Zakharan wizard spells), which he does discuss (for instance, the converse with sea creatures, wind compass, and waves of sand probably should not be made standard wizard spells if they remain rituals) .

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Elemental Magic of Zakhara (Al-Qadim & Forgotten Realms)
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Arcane Tradition - Incantatrix
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Phillip W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2016 08:20:27

I found this product, though small and focused, well done. Though it doesn't mention the option, because generally multi-classing as a spellcaster in 5e is horrid without some of the options I've come up with in my own product (the Red Book of Spell Strategy), the idea of someone multi-classing as a incantatrix and then also going into cleric with the arcana domain and worshipping Mystra / Azuth / Savras / Deneir / Corellon / Labelas would make a lot of sense (no matter which path they choose as their primary).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Arcane Tradition - Incantatrix
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Athanae's Divinations
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2016 08:04:18

This was a good product for me, because it opened up many things that were missing from the PHB. The spells section opens up the versatility that was lacking. I'm actually considering listing these spells (just the spell names in the class spell list section with some kind of symbol that I will use to notate which product it is from) in my own product (the Red Book of Spell Strategy) and then providing reference to this document. It is my hope in doing so that we can all start getting a collection of good works and consolidated list of spells for people for quick reference of where they exist. Oh, and since for some reason the last two reviews I've done for some reason say "customer name withheld" (not sure why), this is Phillip aka Sleyvas, and though I know little about you, it is very nice to have met you through your work.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Athanae's Divinations
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