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Bestiary of Faerûn - Monsters of the Forgotten Realms
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Nicole S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/23/2018 06:03:15

This is brilliant. The creatures in here add so much, and having them there in 5e form to add to my campaign is great.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bestiary of Faerûn - Monsters of the Forgotten Realms
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Danger In A Midwinter Wonderland: A Christmas One-Shot
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Nicole s. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/23/2018 06:01:18

I really enjoyed the concept and creativity of this adventure. The unique monsters and story are strong, and my players really enjoyed it. The build up was nice, the world fun, and there are lots of nice festive details to make it feel real.

For a DM planning, I'd definitely suggest it's more inclined to 5th level characters if you just want something out the box, 4 4th level would have been decimated by the Krampus. I reduced its AC and hp for a group of 6 level 4 characters and increased the amount of time before the Winter's Father died or there would have been no hope for them. I also swapped out the crackers for thrown exploding pudding because there weren't tons of opportunities to convince NPCs to engage with what were some super items. I'll use them for another festive campaign though because they're great!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Danger In A Midwinter Wonderland: A Christmas One-Shot
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