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Daring Comics Role-Playing Game $14.99
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Daring Comics Role-Playing Game
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Daring Comics Role-Playing Game
Publisher: Daring Entertainment
by Andrew S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/22/2020 00:34:47

This book is exactly what I was looking for in a FATE supers book. I had tried several others but found them lacking in one way or another, but this book is a great setting-neutral rules set. It has managed to combine the "Build your powers your own way" philosophy of Champions-like systems with the Narrative simplicty of FATE in perfect measure. If is a tiny barely more rules crunch than fate (mostly just having a ton of refresh to spend on powers), and there is a long list of powers that can look intimidating at first, but in use it manages to keep the simplicty in action that has made FATE great. If you are looking for a FATE Supers rule set I cannot recomned this book highly enough. There is only one thing that is less than perfect and it is the Art. It isn't bad, but the black and white art is lackluster and very generic, so average and mediocre that I almost wish they hadn't bothered with art in the first place. That being said I was buying this book for a good, playable rule set and that is exactly what this book delivered!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Daring Comics Role-Playing Game
Publisher: Daring Entertainment
by Chris R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/07/2018 09:10:37

AWESOME!!! HUGE fan of FATE CORE and CHAMPIONS RPG. this game does a great job of combinimg the two it seems. It's crunchier than basic FATE CORE but set up nicely to make your own four color champion! Only request I have is HARDCOVER! :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review. As for hardcover, unfortunately a hardcover edition was done as a Kickstarter exclusive back in 2016. Looking back on that, I would not go that route again. It's been almost three years, though, so maybe I can just release that HC retail at some point.
Daring Comics Role-Playing Game
Publisher: Daring Entertainment
by Scot H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/21/2017 12:28:03

The PDF itself was fine. Using it is making me wonder whether I should have got the book though - it's hard to navigate and find rules when I need them. On that note, the rule system is a little vague. I understand leaving room for storytelling, but there should be basic clarity about whether using a movement power counts as an action for the exchange. But so far we're having fun with it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Daring Comics Role-Playing Game
Publisher: Daring Entertainment
by Mark M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2016 20:49:20

This game will scratch an itch for some, just not me. IMO it strays too far from what I love about Fate. Point buy and crunch that doesn't need to be there in a Fate game just doesn't sit right with me. That said there is some good GM advice for running superhero game. Those that like Strands of Fate will likely enjoy this one. Certainly not a bad game, just not for me.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey Mark, sorry to hear the game wasn\'t for you. I appreciate you taking the time to give it a shot, though. And thanks for taking the time to post some feedback.
Daring Comics Role-Playing Game
Publisher: Daring Entertainment
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/03/2016 17:45:54

FATE Core + HERO System = Daring Comics RPG. This is a very good thing, IMO. Other FATE versions of supers lean toward FATE Core. They're too abstract for my taste. Daring Comics lean more towards "center-HERO" and I'm very comfortable with that. I still like a little more crunch in my FATE games and this book provides.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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