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Planes of Chaos (2e) $14.99
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Planes of Chaos (2e)
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Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Emil G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2023 05:26:53

Quality of the POD Softcover is great. Contents themselves are intruiging as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Pekka L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2020 18:50:43

The content of the 2nd edition Planescape books themself is ecellent, so this review will be purely about how the reproduced books look, both in print and PDF. I first reviewed Planes of Conflict books, so I'll refer to those at points.

Compared to Planes of Conflict, the scan and print are both darker this time around, so all included books are much easier to read. But there are still parts where text and dark bits get pretty light, making for hard reading. Thankfully those bits are in minority this time around.

But again, art/page spacing could be better. White borders on full page pictures are common, and images that should start from bleed area of each page just start a bit from the edge.

This time the maps and their backs don't have zoomed in versions included, making the book quite a bit smaller. Thankfully there's not as much text in the Chaos maps, and what there is is actually quite readable at the size the text is in.

Same improvements as Planes of Conflict apply here. Light levels of the pages should be re-leveled and sizing/art should be manually adjusted. If these are fixed, I'll gladly rebuy the book as Premium print. Yeah, I guess I'm a sucker.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Paul S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/18/2019 09:53:11

great quality copy of the book! i wish all of the older edition resources were available as Print on Demand. would love to see a copy of tales from The Infinite staircase or Planes of law

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Matthew T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2019 04:11:36

Very nice and clear print. Very impressed at some of the print on demand books.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Randol H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/24/2019 11:54:19

I'm well pleased with what I got. Paper is high quality and the binding looks like it will last. It is obviously printed from a scan but I knew that going in, and for 20 bucks to have a physical copy of something that's been hard to find for years I cant complain. The text is clean and perfectly readable. The artwork isn't as crisp and clean as my originals - but that's fine.

This is a great way of getting a working, reading copy without relying on a PDF or paying a premium price for hard to find originals. Do bear in mind that is is several individual books that are combined into one volume, though, which can make it a little awkward to flip through at first.

I really hope that they keep putting out more of these classic settings in a print on demand format.

Also - there were no hex maps or Mystara maps included. There are only the maps that came with the original box set. Earlier versions of this scan had an issue with unrelated maps being substituted, but this is no longer the case and that problem is fixed and done with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Nathan R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/30/2018 06:01:06

The scans on the premium paper are decent but you can still tell they are scans. You can tell from the text that it's a scan with a slight blur but not making it hard to read. The art doesn't seem to suffer as much since the images tend to be sketches throughout the book. I own the boxed set too. I don't think I will get rid of my boxed set but it is nice to have the material all in one book. It's nice to see Planescape back in print even if it's not quite at the level I would like to see. Maybe as tech improves it will get better? Or maybe just scanning a printing will always be problematic.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Jason M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/04/2017 10:47:36

This is a reivew of the Print on Demand version: Overall I'm happy with it. Print-wise, this is the best I've seen Planescape text outside of original printings. Extremely easy to read. The paper stock feels great. And I prefer to have the box set material collected in one volume. The art is washed out, but still looks pretty good (I'd say 7 out of 10). That was explained by DTRPG before purchase. The maps are reprinted in the back and would be hard to use without breaking the spine. I'd recommend the PDF for reprinting maps for use. Speaking of the maps, there are still a couple that have been swapped as noted by others in the comments section. Don't expect this to be fixed from the previous version.

I'd definitely buy the other box sets once they have the option.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Horrid W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/01/2017 15:32:43

The scans of the books are decent enough, but the boxed set brings something way more important and that is the poster maps... And unfortunately the Abyss map is missing. Its nice that you added a Sigil map but that wasn't in there and there are several hex maps that are completely unrelated... please correct that... otherwise the product is simply incomplete!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Carl V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/30/2017 22:09:39

A key source for the Planes of Chaos, this set contains lots of good descriptions of the chaos planes that are not very rules-dependent and so can be easily adapted for various game editions. Some drawbacks are that the adventure ideas and other information are often brief and require a lot of development by the DM. A lot of intriguing hints and suggestions are given, but one wishes that more details would have been provided. Also, the rules on how each plane affects magic can be somewhat unclear and inconsistent, so the DM will need to re-interpret them carefully while consulting the clearer rules in the Planewalker's Handbook. Finally, the PDF has a technical flaw in that the important Abyss poster is missing. This poster is filled with detailed information about the Abyss, so its absence is a serious problem. If a new version of the PDF comes out with the Abyss poster properly included, I would increase my rating to 4 stars.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Chadwick G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/22/2016 13:27:08

Great except you forgot one of the original maps and replaced it with something unrelated.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Simon B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/21/2005 00:00:00

A very useful introduction to the chaotic planes. Enough is given on each of the planes to set a number of adventures there. Some interesting new monsters. DMs will probably need plenty of imagination to set up adventures on Limbo as literally anything can happen there.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Artwork is brilliant, as usual.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Nothing of significance.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by michael h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/15/2004 00:00:00

I was unable to download this produce becouse I have dialup and each time I was disconected I tryed to restart the download and got the message " This websight does not suport resuming." <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Benjamin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/13/2004 00:00:00

Ah, the joys of chaos. Planes of Chaos is a must have box set for anyone who wants to adventure in the Outer Planes or just plain wants to know what makes a land ruled by the forces of chaos tick. It's divided into three books: The Book of Chaos, which describes the Outer Planes of the Abyss, Limbo, Pandemonium, Ysgard, and Arborea in general and specific terms; The Travelogue, which gives an overview of how to get around on each of these Planes and what a cutter is likely to see there; and the book of Chaos Adventures, which provides three adventures (for low, medium, and high level characters) for each of the Chaotic Planes. There is a ton of valuable information in this box set and it does a wonderful job of building upon the details provided in the main Planescape box set. If you're going to get Planes of Chaos, you really should get the Planes of Law and Planes of Conflict sets as well. They're all unique in their own right, but the Outer Planes are so interrelated that it really helps to have enough information to get the entire picture of the multivers. Besides, as cheap as these downloads are, it's not like you'll have to break the bank to get them.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Well written and organized. The scan is meticulously bookmarked so you don't have to scroll through anything to get to the section you want to read. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: No complaints. This is one of the best Planescape products (and pdf scans) available.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Arthur B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/09/2004 00:00:00

Lots of material for you buck, this product really helps to 'fill out' the various Chaotic planes. Good points: Varied monsters, nice adventure outlines, great sections on changes in magic (like Abyssal lords striking back at groups that use magic in their domain) Bad points: Monsters require translation for 3rd edition groups, the maps are virtually immpossible to use without useing a lot of ink and putting them together properly, and some sections are a bit light on rules for the fascinating situations they describe (like the aformentioned section on magic in the Abyss), but these can be overcome, and the last one is actually rather uncommen in the book.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Planes of Chaos (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Antonio S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/07/2003 00:00:00

This ROCKS! Wonderful DiTerlizzi Graphic and lots of details and adventure hooks. This is a MUST if you plan a trip on the chaotic side of the Great Wheel. Wether you're a 2e fan or a 3e/d20 player that finds unsatisfying the manual of the planes: GET THIS BOOK!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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