It's theoretically possible to run Planescape without this book; you can get statistics for most of these monsters in the Monstrous Manual, and the information on their societies from Faces of Evil: The Fiends and the various boxed sets.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: On the other hand, isn't it much more convenient to have it all in one place, with great illustrations and a smattering of other useful monsters? While these monsters aren't as brain-twisting or unique as those in the later Compendiums, you're likely to get more use out of them.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Unlike the other two Compendiums, most of this information IS ultimately duplicated or re-explained in other books, and some of it changed. Also, some of these monsters (like foo creatures) could have waited for later books to make room for more of the big, important planar races (guardinals, eladrin, rilmani).<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>