It's a table. If you are expecting anything more, you'll be disappointed. If your players are looking for a way to find the best feat by what it gives, this is your jam.
Creator Reply: |
Character building in FG was a long and arduous process for a party of eight. Insert Rob's bundles mod, literally cut time down 25%.
Creator Reply: |
When I first started using FG and became quite adept at it after a few months, I did a video on "How to build a PC in 15 minutes". It was quite popular at the time as a FAST way to get it done. Now, with these, I can to it in FOUR minutes.
ThanX Robert! |
THIS is down right amazing! I love that Rob found a way to expand on all a plethora of effects. The basic effects are nice, but the expanded ones are a great help. For instance, cover. TIME SAVER!
Creator Reply: |
It's a table. If you are expecting anything more, you'll be disappointed. If your players are looking for a way to find the best class by what it gives, this is your jam.
Creator Reply: |
I provided this to the players as a means to use with Vicious Mockery. However, the bard insists on using it at the start of EVERY encounter... Random encounter with kobolds? Yo Mamma Joke. Meeting with the town governor? Yo Mama Joke. Blue dragon lands nearby to work a negotiation to stop raiding the area as much? Yo Mamma Joke. The party hates him...
Creator Reply: |
HILARIOUS! I love that the party DREADS the beginning of every encounter. So funny.
ThanX Robert! |
It's a table. If you are expecting anything more, you'll be disappointed. If your players are looking for a way to find the best background by what it gives, this is your jam.
Creator Reply: |
I'm a HUGE fan of random! I love that there is a more expanded version of the surge table.
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Some of these are a bit out there. Easy to explain the Warlocks crit fail summoning three hostile zombies to the fight. Harder to explain why and elephant and a potted plant falls from the sky when one of the zombies crit fails...
Creator Reply: |
Robert, a few of those were meant to be funny. Sorry if the comedy fell flat. I hope you'll reconsider the rating based on functionality and usefulness to the game, also I would remind you that the directions clearly indicate the DM can SKIP any result (if it doesn't match up with your gaming group or campaign).
Best way to a TPK? TRAPS!! Muahahahahahahahahaha!
Creator Reply: |
Good way to populate a random encounter. SO many short rests....
Creator Reply: |
I like the idea of this! It is fun and quirky. A few areas are a little confusing, some things are out of order, others are duplicated, and there seems to be information missing or it's intentionally left irritatingly ambiguous. Be ready to do a bit of prep work just to sort the mess out. Other than that, I don't think it's too bad of a module. If it is edited and things are improved, I would have no issues changing my rating.
I would be more than happy to provide my input. It would be easier if you messaged me on Discord, Dport406#2494,
Creator Reply: |
Hi Robert! This is my first module released for play by people other than myself and my friends; I'd love some feedback on how to make it more legible to others. Would you be willing to speak further about edits I can make to make the dungeon easier to play? |
Ok, I was hesitant to get this product. After Laura A took the time to reply to me and address all of my concerns, I bit the bullet and bought the adventure. I read over it and was intrigued by the story concept. My party wasn't at the appropriate level for this and it didn't fit into my story line. However, I printed it off and stuck it in my book as an insert if the campaign would allow it to fit. We got through about half of the quest and as on of my party members stated, "This is the BEST puzzle I have ever had to solve!" At that, I felt it was only right to Laura A to comment her for an amazing job. The last part of the story will be finished up on Valentine's Day, which seems fitting.
Unfortunately, I don't have only praises for this product though. First, I was a little upset that I couldn't open the map as it is a .rar file and I am unsure what is needed to view those. Secondly, I feel that there should be a little bit of a better flow to the product. I had a few times where I was getting confused as to what the some of the triggers were. Lastly, the introduction to the area was a bit foggy and the quest giver was lacking in information as to why the party should care to be involved. I would agree that it is left vague to allow DMs to flex their creative muscles. However, the level of vagueness left me a little confused.
Ultimately, I feel that the product is good and thoroughly enthralled my players. Though, I think that $5.95 is a bit steep for a one-shot that the DM needs to fill in about 35% of the initiation and the lack of a functional map. I have seen campaign arcs on the DMs Guild for the same cost and have more plug and play capability. I would recommend, but only if you are good with less bang for your buck.
Four out of five stars. I look forward to seeing what Laura A brings to the table.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for checking out my adventure and taking time to leave me a very constructive review! I am glad you enjoyed it overall.
In terms of the maps, I believe should just be in a zipped folder? WinZip, winrar something similar should short you out. I will check on it as well incase there are any issues. Let me know if you have any further problems. |
Good concept, it just seems that the creator was rushing through it and did not stop to read what he is incerting into the product.
Starting at level 8, the cleric gains Horrid Touch, which gets more powerful at level 5?!? So, does it start at 1d12 or 2d12 or does the cleric gain it at level 5?
Horrid Touch
Starting at 8th level, you may use a spell slot to cause any target that successfully hits you with a melee attack must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (equal to your spell DC) or take 1d12 poison damage, this spell’s damage increases by 1d12 when you reach 5th level (2d12), 11th level (3d12), and 17th level (4d12). The target also has disadvantage on attack, damage, skill, and saving throw rolls until the end of the duration.
Disadvantage lasts a number of rounds equal to the level of spell slot used.