The trinkets here are awesome. I love them. These are good when you want to give something special and kinda unique or unusual, but you don't want to just throw another magic item at the party. I often find my players like trinkets more than most magic items because they're kinda useless but intriguing.
Simple easy-to-use tokens that don't distract. Great to have.
For those moments when the PC (or NPC) really steps in it, and you have to kill them, but the party finagles an 11-hour reincarnation. Great list!
This is great for those times when you have a dungeon ready, but the party just isn't impressed, and they're getting a little too confident and a little too smug and a little too lazy. Great way to wake 'em up!
This is great for those moments when the game goes off the rails and the party suddenly wants to explore something you didn't anticipate, but you don't want to railroad them back onto the mapped terrain.
This is an awesome series. These are some easy-to-use puzzles that can be dropped into a dungeon or other location on short notice.
This is really great when you need magic items or magic shops on short notice. Tables have items by type, rarity and location. Very useful.
This is really fun for adding unusual and colorful things to a dungeon. Lots of traps to throw around a dungeon!
This has been one of my best purchases ever.
Huge number of domains for clerics, oaths for paladins, new magic items, an enormous number of new spells for clerics, paladins, rangers and druids. It has tables for religious events.
This also has an astounding amount of information about gods and faiths, including beliefs, ceremonies, temples and shrines, and it strikes a nice balance. If you want to have a cleric that's more than just a generic cleric for "the light", this is the book for you. It opens a LOT of roleplaying and DM opportunities to really enhance any game.
Creator Reply: |
ThanX for the great review. Glad you are enjoying the enhancements.
Rob |
I love this and can't imagine ever running another game without it. The funny additions to the NPCs are SO much better than "goblin 1, 2 and 3" or "generic storekeeper"
I'm planning to run a Waterdeep Campaign, and this is an absolute must-have. I highly recommend this.
This is another great resource for adding atmosphere to a game. Why just have tired old ale and mutton every day? This really makes the inns and taverns feel more alive.
I came back to D&D this year after not having played for 25 years. When I had played my last game, it was AD&D 2nd Edition! I love 5e, but it's different. This is a big help to me in getting used to some of those changes.
If you really want to get into roleplaying the characters, this can be really, really useful to add to a campaign, even if it's just for NPCs. Great ideas, and really, really well-organized.
I really love giving out low-level magic items and trinkets and this is a great treasure chest of ideas.