I love trinkets, and my players love trinkets. Give too many magic items and pretty soon the party becomes overpowered. Trinkets are pretty useless, but they can be fun. This is, bar none, the BEST trinket list I've found. These trinkets are inventive, mysterious, sometimes ominous, and a lot of them COULD be the base for unusual magic items. I LOVE this trinket table.
This is a pretty cool table. They COULD have gone with 50 varieties of "Find (creature or humanoid)" + "(doing something)" and just filled in the blanks, and we'd have 50 variations of "Find 6 goblins arguing over treasure". And, yes, a couple of the encounters really are that simple. However, a lot of the encounters could be great hooks into homebrewed one-shots, side-quests, etc. There are talking rabbits, strange noises, mysterious things (clothes with no owners, an abandoned cabin), unusually friendly or hostile animals, natural features, and more. These are a lot of fun. I'd love to see more like this.
This is a great short introductory adventure. The basic story is that lost in a volcano is a rift to Avernus and the 9 Hells. This works great as a stand-alone, or as part of a larger adventure.
This is a great list of magic items. It's a good when your party gets off the map and you need a treasure RIGHT NOW! It's also good for inspiring ideas for new magic items. Lots of unusual and interesting stuff here.
This is a fun and creative random table of magical effects. Great for when I can't think of something right at the moment.
Creator Reply: |
Hey Mark. ThanX so much for the review. IT IS fun... |
The 5e Automatic Effects Series is very well-organized and very well-written. It works amazingly with Silent Ruin's Equipped Effects extension (which I also highly recommend). This automates the effects of spells and magic items and a whole lot more, organizing the information not only on the character sheet but in the combat tracker. This really makes a lot of things easier, and the way it works makes using FGU so much easier. I have the entire series and I honestly recommend the whole bundle.
Sort of like light feats. Some these are strong enough to replace feats. Some could be used as a kind of half-feat. I'd prefer to hand these out as very special rewards for players doing something interesting.
Sort of like light feats. Some these are strong enough to replace feats. Some could be used as a kind of half-feat. I'd prefer to hand these out as very special rewards for players doing something interesting.
Sort of like light feats. Some these are strong enough to replace feats. Some could be used as a kind of half-feat. I'd prefer to hand these out as very special rewards for players doing something interesting.
Adds some really great variations on a lot of different enemies and monsters, and gives you some choices of basically FEATS for your enemies. Adds some cool surprises to encounters.
Another really great supplement. Absolutely essential if you want more religions in the game. Covers non-human pantheons.
Absolutely essential not only for those times when the players go off on a tangent, but when things start to get boring and predictable.
Great collection of really interesting spells. This is one of my favorite spell resources.
Adds news shields, expands on rules for shields and shield abilities. Makes shields more useful and interesting.
This is one of my favorite resources. I love feats, and these are great. Adds useful and well-balanced feats.