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Weird Stuff I Found On The Dungeon Floor: A Guide to Unique Magical Items and Their Construction (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 03:41:00

If I were to recommend just ONE book of magic items for Fantasy Grounds, this would be IT. This is stuff so weird I'd never have thought of it myself, and I can think of some pretty weird stuff. Some of these things are unusual, some are quirky, some are funny, some are eye-rolling. There are good tables as well. The best part is the reference. It's not too wordy or preachy. It's just plain good advice for using magic items in campaigns and managing tone. Highly recommend this product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Weird Stuff I Found On The Dungeon Floor: A Guide to Unique Magical Items and Their Construction (Fantasy Grounds)
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Fantasy Grounds Random Spellbook Generator 5E
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 03:33:41

Not to be confused with the ALSO EXCELLENT Random Wizard Spellbook generator, this outstanding spellbook generator will allow you to click on a brand new "spellbook" button in the "items" window to create an item ... a SPELLBOOK ... that has the spells your character wants to have. You can set up filters to make any kind of spellbook: level, sources, ranges, components etc. You can name your spellbook, generate a preview, and then CLICK and it's done. Frankly, I think if you're going to have spellcasters in your game, get this. It's one of the most outstanding products for Fantasy Grounds that I've seen.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Grounds Random Spellbook Generator 5E
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ACME Spells (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 02:01:12

These are some fun, quirky, unusual spells. Most are just silly fun. I'd use them for bards, personally.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ACME Spells (Fantasy Grounds)
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Animal Sidekicks (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 01:58:14

In my last campaign, my party picked up several pets. This is a good resources for giving your characters animal sidekicks. Sidekicks are great because, unlike powerful magical items, they don't usually unbalance the game, they add one or more attacks for the party, and if they're too powerful or annoying, it's really not that hard to kill them, lol. Really, this is a great resource, and I love the animal personality tables. They have different tables for different animals, allowing cats and horses to have options that are more consistently catlike or horselike than a general table would be.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Animal Sidekicks (Fantasy Grounds)
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Bardic Yo Mamma Jokes
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 01:53:35

Beware: Don't buy this if you're easily offended. These are some old-school vicious mockery jokes. There's a lot of "Yo Mamma so fat", "Yo Mamma so ugly" and "Yo Mamma so dumb" jokes. There are a lot of in-jokes for D&D, Fantasy Grounds and pop culture. Funny, but often crude.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bardic Yo Mamma Jokes
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DM Options: Monster Talents II (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 01:24:03

Okay, I absolutely LOVE this. Why should PCs have all the fun? Here are some variations of some NPCs with special abilities and special attacks. Great for throwing the unexpected at your players!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DM Options: Monster Talents II (Fantasy Grounds)
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Fantasy Grounds Conjures and Summons Encounters
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 01:16:34

Wonderful and varied tables for all kinds of conjuring and summoning. There are about a hundred different tables.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Grounds Conjures and Summons Encounters
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Inspiration Cards (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 01:12:31

Get this! My players LOVED these. There are lots of ways to use inspiration cards: let players spend a point of inspiration and buy them, give them out as a special reward for doing something spectacular, use them in place of inspiration ... However you want to use them, these cards are a game-changer, literally. They come in Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Some of the inspiration card effects are as mild as adding your strength modifier to your next attack roll, skill check or ability check. One of my players got a card where, instead of killing the enemy, the enemy lived, but became an ally. My players ended up with a VERY powerful ally.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inspiration Cards (Fantasy Grounds)
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Jarlaxle's Guide to Traps (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 01:07:46

These are, without a doubt, the most inventive and interesting and entertaining traps I've ever seen. You will not find that old standards: the pit trap, the poison arrow trap, the fire trap, the falling block traps. Nope. Every trap here is unique and interesting, and some are good enough to be a hook for a cool side-quest. Definitely add some drama to your dungeons and castles ... and pretty much any place you want to have a trap or a tricky door.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Jarlaxle's Guide to Traps (Fantasy Grounds)
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Random Wizard Spellbook Generator
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 01:04:27

The Random Wizard Spellbook Generator is one of my must-haves. It's an AWESOME time saver for creating a quick spellbook to drop into a campaign. You go to your story templates, choose a wizard level, hit a couple buttons, and BAM: you're done. Easy, fast, very useful.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Random Wizard Spellbook Generator
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The Dungeon Master's Bundle II (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 00:54:38

If you're going to be a Dungeon Master, you need this Dungeon Master's Bundle. For the amount of material, you can't beat the price. The store page has a list of what's in it, and there are even some things NOT listed that are in it (such as chase tables). Inns and Taverns includes the name, quality, owner's name, examples of food and drink, cost of rooms and number of staff. There are also encounter tables and random events tables. These are excellent not only when planning an adventure, but also when players venture off the plot and off the map and you need something in a hurry, and are tired of "You come to an inn, with a fat inkeeper, who serves you warm ale." Here, you can be more specific, and add a bit of flavor to your inn. But there's SO much more in this. Totally worth the price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Master's Bundle II (Fantasy Grounds)
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The incredible world of Doors & Locks (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 00:43:19

Why just have the same tired old options: "the door is locked", "the door is trapped", "the door is guarded", and "all of the above"? This is a great guide to making better doors and locks. The "story" section has a lot of useful and practical advice on doors and locks. It's informative without being needlessly long. The authors get right to the point and move on. What's better is that they included some great tables for when you need a random door or lock problem. These include problems with the key, complications with the lock, problems with the environment, and more. This is a great resource, and very educational for improving the role-playing experience.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The incredible world of Doors & Locks (Fantasy Grounds)
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VeX's Random Riddle Generator (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 00:38:08

You want riddles? Vex has got riddles ... tons of riddles! There are four tables: easy, moderate, hard and master list. There are a LOT of great and unconventional riddles here. I would consider this an absolute must-have for anybody who wants a riddle in a game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
VeX's Random Riddle Generator (Fantasy Grounds)
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Thanks for the praise Mark!
Adaptable NPCs (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 00:34:29

This has a really wide variety of NPCs that can be used as enemies, allies, contacts, etc. You have some basic NPCs, like apothecary, grave thief and minstrel. You have combat NPCs, such as a pikeman, samurai or brigand. Then you've got unsual NPCs, such as a blind sorcerer, drunken brawler, or trickster. Great for spicing up any adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adaptable NPCs (Fantasy Grounds)
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Calpurnia's Guide to Practical Traps (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2021 00:29:54

This is a pretty great resource of practical traps. You can drop them as NPCs into a dungeon. It's great for making sure your players don't take their safety for granted. You've got a lot of typical pit traps, arrow traps, etc., but it's well-organized and very, very useful.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Calpurnia's Guide to Practical Traps (Fantasy Grounds)
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