Well-formatted document with some nice art. Introduces a couple of new magic item, but a dungeon that is really random and purposeless.
First off, watch his video where he puts up a real tile version of the map! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMPtHR8KJHk
There are little design issues here and there, it's definitely "advanced amateur" rather than "pro".
But the core issue is really the dungeon itself. It is filled with cool traps, but who knows why the traps are even there? The BBEG is a Bone Naga who is supposed to be an incredibly intelligent, immortal creature that apparently just paces around between a couple of rooms all day. Neither of which are the library. Even though he's supposed to be searching for a way to become a regular Naga again.
The dungeon has two uncommon and one rare magic item scattered around, but they're not really connected. There's also an Artifact from a God which forms the centerpiece of the room in which the Naga does not actually rest. We're not really clear why these items are in the dungeon, let alone why one of them is conveniently stored in a chest?
The Naga has a pair of minions: a water elemental and a yellow mold, but there's no real clue why they are present. There's a Cambion trapped in a room for reasons unknown. Another room has a petrified orc, again, not clear why he was petrified and then transported through the desert to rest in a random dungeon room. Both the Cambion and the Orc have possible story ties outside of the dungeon, but neither of them has an NPC stat block or even a list of gear they are carrying.
I might one day borrow a few trap ideas, but I don't think I'll ever run this dungeon. There's just too little substance and story.