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Conversations With... Faction Contacts in the Moonsea, vol. 1 Pay What You Want
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Conversations With... Faction Contacts in the Moonsea, vol. 1
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Conversations With... Faction Contacts in the Moonsea, vol. 1
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Greg T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/26/2020 06:04:21

Interesting fluff, but of no real use: This is a brief collection of short fiction, structured as conversations with (theoretically) the key faction contacts for Adventurer's League in the Moonsea area.

As fiction, it's briefly amusing. The writing quality is fine. It provides a bit of perspective on the Adventurer's League factions, if you haven't already got your head around them.

But as a game aid or DM resource, it's largely useless. Not even Adventurer's League Season 1 manages to use these particular faction contacts reliably, and thereafter they appear rarely if at all. It's a good example of how early Adventurer's League plans deviated almost immediately from the actual execution, and therefore has some value as a historical curiosity. But for GMs intending to actually use these characters, an actual dossier on the characters would be more useful than trying to reconstruct who they are from brief snippets of dialogue.

Luckily, it's pay what you want. My recommendation is that sums less than a dollar would be appropriate for what you're getting.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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