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Two Page Mini Delve - Deepwood Memorial $0.00
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Two Page Mini Delve - Deepwood Memorial
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Two Page Mini Delve - Deepwood Memorial
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by Daniel R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/28/2022 22:07:31

Not gonna lie. This Adventure isn't what I was expecting. And felt unsatisfying to run for my group. Chalk it up to personal preference.

While a short & sweet Adventure module set in a ruined Elvish made Cemetary that's edited well, and contains a great map. It's not good for tying into a larger, overarching adventure(s). I can see that this adventure is basically an Introductionary level module that's good for short 4 hour D&D sessions at best. As the "End-Goal" of this Module isn't as rewarding towards the players as I had hoped for. And is more about exploration into a tomb that leans into Indiana Jones rather than D&D. Not trying to rag on the Author of this piece, but this module wasn't as exciting after playing it.

And Playing it as is, wasn't the best move. To new DMs, one important lesson is to always read through the Module, and edit it. Which thankfully, the third page attached to this adventure has suggestions and helpful advice on how to work that all out.

Even so, this adventure will have to have some additional tweeking, especially if you plan on using it. Having a defined "Item" or "Maguffin" locked away here would be great way of modivating the party.

Other suggestions:

  • Never use the headbands. Makes the players feel like their railroaded on a tour than on an adventure.
  • This Forgotten Memorial should have Skeletons or Undead enemies. Come up with a reason for "Why" the Undead are roaming, especially since the Memorial should be hallowed ground.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Two Page Mini Delve - Deepwood Memorial
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by Bruce G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/03/2020 14:08:21

Nicely written short module that easily plugged into an ongoing campaign (D&D v3.5) with typical minor changes to suit. I enjoyed running it and the players enjoyed it too.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Two Page Mini Delve - Deepwood Memorial
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by christopher s. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/19/2019 17:43:51

I played this with my son's grade 5 friends on a return bus trip, that was about 2 hours. I like this and the others in this Roving Bands of Misfits series, as the layout helps to run it with minimal review (once is great). The table included for ramping up the challenge according to party level is a nice touch. These can be great one-shots as they are not too long (one night should be lots) and can be strung together to make the basis of a small party campaign. Great stuff.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Two Page Mini Delve - Deepwood Memorial
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by John W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2018 14:14:58

I ran this for a home-brewed fantasy game; the group was 4 players. It was easy to adapt the monsters and traps, and I threw in one more trap in the hallway to the secret room -- just for fun. It was a super foundation to build upon, and, due to player decisions, they'll be returning to study the memorial in more detail! You got my players hooked! Thanks!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Two Page Mini Delve - Deepwood Memorial
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by Antonio T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/22/2017 07:05:08

I'm mastering LMoP for 5-6 children on a monthly basis. I included this mini delve for a two days sessions with just my two children (a wizard elf and an halfling). The dungeon gives the DM many options for combat, explore, reward, abilities and the presence of traps help beginners to deal with such objects.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Two Page Mini Delve - Deepwood Memorial
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by Dave L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2017 16:43:27

This mini-delve worked perfectly for our campaign. As DM, I included it as a side quest that the PCs unknowingly undertook for one of their nemeses. I added a few extra treasures and an Ochre Jelly in one of the general's crypts, but otherwise played it as written. The players enjoyed the details and had fun with the tour headbands, even carefully returning them to the rack after they cleared out the monsters. Well done. I will try to incoroprate a few more of these two page mini delves in our campaign. Perfect length for a 3 to 4 hour session.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Two Page Mini Delve - Deepwood Memorial
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/21/2016 22:09:50

This is a tombrobbing expedition, but at least they are going in to prevent a war and not just hijacking goodies.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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