I congradulate you on writing a 20-level class, but this class needs some serious revision before it is usable at a table. Most glaringly, its spell slots. This class should mimic the Warlock's spellcasting progression; the warlock's mystic arcanum ability is part of its progression. No class should be able to cast three 9th-level spells every short rest--even at level 19.
This class is very flavorful and cool, but it is very underpowered. This class is not usable in a campaign until it gets serious revision.
This is a classic, old-school convention dungeon crawl. I'm not really a fan of that type of adventure, but for what this is it cannot be beat! Best thing: All the printable pregen characters and maps. A lot of value for free, thank you for sharing!
Positive: This collection of fun, flavorful, effective, and seemingly balanced feats is a must-have for true warriors. The feats are simple and only convey one benefit each, which is great because each benefit is simple, plure, and concretely beneficial. I feel like I've learned something about HEMA just from reading this! :p
Negative: As commentors have expressed, some of the language of the feats is a little off or technically vague. it would be good to keep all the flavor in introductory sentences, and the technical rules aspects clearly laid out in following sentences.
Overall: I'm going to keep this article in mind for sure, particularly for no-magic type players! If this document were further revised to be more technically clear, it would be a 5-star product!
Positive: Solid DMing advice from people who clearly know their stuff! The presentation is effective and professional too.
Negative: This is all DMing advice, and there isn't anything crunchy rules-wise. Sort of a breath of fresh air in a way. :)
Overall: Distinctive! This is top-quality advice, thanks for sharing! I will be sure to consult it the next time I plan to run horror (or any time, really)!
Positive: This distinctive article's presentation and quality are top-notch. Everyone wants to be a chronomancer, but worry that would be too broken. However, shooting things backward and forward through time is an elegant way of encapsulating this concept. I'm sure that traditional slow and haste spells are also welcome!
Negative: The only thing that bugs me is that causal debt applies to all non-cantrip spells, and not just levels 1-5. It would be great to see this sub-class along side several other quality presentations in a single book! :)
Overall: Articles like this are the envy of the community. I will recomend it to my friends!
Positive: I secretly always found arachnomancers super cool! Its easy enough to reflavor this subclass to be appropriate for other races, or for use against a different creature type. This article is short, sweet, and very usable.
Negative: I would take some time to continue editing the rules text for clarity. At one point we have a spell that can be cast "at will once." That being said, these errors do not interfere with the meaning of these powers; that is very clear. :)
Overall: A medium-high quality conversion of some traditional Forgotten Realms material. For no fault of its own it is a little specific for me to recomend all the time, but I will keep it in mind! Cheers!
Positive: This impressive libram introduces us to a crafting system that is simple to learn but considerable to master. I actually got excited about crafting! The items presented here took no small amount of time to stat-out, and we are very fortunate to get this article for free!
Negative: I know formatting is difficult, but I agree with the complaints saying the appendicies are a little difficult to read. On lighter notes, some art would be really lovely. And too bad we don't see anything about cooking. :p
Overall: If you like to craft and you do not download this article, then you are a fool! I will keep this close to mind as I plan future campaigns!
Positive: I am so pleasantly surprised by this article! This new option for paladins lets them be open-minded and wise travelers, and it makes me want to roll-up a slightly grizzled ex-crusader type character. This article is well-researched, well-written, fun, and useful. Its 20th level power really surprised me!
Negative: Just a few proofreading errors. Some art would help this diamond in the rough pop, but I understand how it goes.
Overall: Wonderful! Will recomend to players and keep in mind for myself. An extra push into greatness would earn this title 5 stars.
Positive: I am glad to see that other people also love the idea of the paladin as a fire-spewing badass! The subclass's abilities are straightforward, clear, useful, and seem basically balanced.
Negatives: The writing in this sub-class article leaves something to be desired. I see no legal notices, but I somehow doubt that the art from Prince of Persia is liscenced. Consider looking online for public domain or Creative Commons art.
Overall: A fun and effective character option; I would allow it at my table. However, I have a hard time recomending this article due to its limited writing and its dubious image use.
Positive: This is a very clever, very awesome druid subclass! Swarms are an important part of nature and mythology, so it is good to see them get some love. The writeup is straightforward, effective, and fun! The presentation is also professional and effective--the image of the ants eating through the paper is so cool! The interaction of Swarm Attunement and its spells is wonderful: I would take 8 rat swarms over 8 giant goats on most days!
Constructive Feedback: There isn't much to complain about, so this is more constructive feedback. The manifestation of Swarm Wild Shape is a little awkward, due to the progression of animals provided in the PHB. For example, the swarm that can swim is CR 1, and several of the lower CR swarms can fly. This means you only get a few options at levels 2 and 4, and then the rest at 8. A way to balance that out would be good - if nothing else, perhaps you could provide new swarms in an update? I think there is a formatting typo on the title of Swarm Wild Shape, and the last sentence of Swarm Attunement is awkwardly phrased. Maybe at some point you might add a legal notice? :p If you make any additions, it would be cool to learn about the lore of the Circle of Swarms--what their philosophies are, who they are as people.
Overall: Very cool! I like this article a lot and will keep it in mind when my players want a druid that's a little different!
Positive: Yay undead player options! Like other products by this author, the race is well thought-out, well formatted, basically balanced, and useful. I once agian have to compliment the author on his ability to put together an enjoyable and effective collection of art!
Negative: As I have stated before, a trustworthy editor would help make the language in this article more effective and distinctive. I wonder why the author did not publish this article under the OGL instead of limiting it to the DMs Guild; even though that does not make this work any less valuable, it does sour my taste toward it a little.
Overall: This is a fun and effective character concept--one I would be glad to see at the table. With a little editing, I would rate this a 4-star product.
Positive: Cooking - I've been waiting for someone to work with this idea! The formatting of this article is very professional, and it looks just like out of the D&D books. Adding food-related spells like goodberry was a great touch. And using a pan as a finesse weapon makes me happy! :D
Negative: The gramatical errors and unclear language really take away from the value of this archetype. For example, the singular form of "dice" is written as "dice" instead of "die." Proofreading and following the phrasing from the PHB would help. Because of the unclear nature of the powers, I am unable to make a judgement of their effectiveness. At the risk of sounding like Final Fantasy, I would love to see some of these cooking powers have in-combat application.
Overall: I love this idea, but the article itself is a little under-cooked (gods forgive me!). That being said, the author clearly has talent and imagination, so I hope to see an update soon!
Positive: Centaurs, heck yes! As a DM, I love traditional fantasy ideas, and I'm pretty open-minded about what characters can play. It is cool how this race unexpectedly has three different subraces for different centaur archtypes. The art provided looks home-made (in a good way) and helps complement the tone of the race.
Negative: The formatting of this race could use some improvement. Proofreading and editing of the features to make them clear and clearly useful would be good. For the Reluctant Mount feature, why does this have to be phrased as a negative? To be able to carry an ally (who may be incopacitated!) without affecting your speed is a wonderful thing!
Overall: There is good at the core of this article, and I would like to see it come out! However, I think some polishing is required before I could recomend this to my players. I look forward to future updates!
This is short and sweet! For what it is, there isn't much more you could ask for. For newbies, it may be nice to have these results associated with a die roll, but I can understand that this is a very tight document as is. Well done!