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Worlds Without Number
Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing
by Michael H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2021 22:37:12

TLDR : Kevin Cwarford is a game design genius and he did it again

Worlds Without Number is a very well designed game. It uses the system Kevin Crawford created in Stars Without Number and revised in the Revised edition of Stars Without Number. The system is a mix of B/X Dungeons and Dragons and Traveller with the best elemets of later edditions thrown in for good messure (Feats and Acsending Armour class being the primary example).

The Highlight of the Game is it's increadible set of random tables that act as great inspiration for game masters. Random tables are and most likely will always be Kevin Crawford's greatest strength.

In terms of the game's weaknesses... I don't really see any. It's lethal, but that can be changed, it can be easily modified and that is awesome.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Worlds Without Number
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Dark Sun Boxed Set (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/08/2018 12:12:28

Dark Sun is one of the greatest of the classical campaign setings. The seting takes classic D&D style brutality and turns it up to elevn in a seting where everything can and will kill you. The game is reminisent of clasic pulp fantasy concepts and themes showcasing the brutality of the genre. There are some places where 2E's dated design concepts glare though but if you can get past them the game is a fun and chalenging experience.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Sun Boxed Set (2e)
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