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Dark Sun Boxed Set (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Kamil B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/31/2021 11:28:52

The book seems very sturdy, paper's thick and nice to touch. Being a gfx artist myself, I belive I could make the scan - and the print - a bit clearer. Still, there aren't any problems with legibility, just this barely visible smidge of fuzziness. It's what they did with maps that puzzles me. They are scanned 1:1 and just printed in pieces over multiple pages, without any key or numbers to help you navigate. I understand including a fold-out map in this kind of publication is outside the realm of economic feasibility, but they'd be more useful if shrunk down and printed as tiny 2-page spreads. I also wish the book could be done as a full bleed publication.

All criticisms aside, I'm happy with my Dark Sun Boxed Set, I honestly expected something of much lower quality.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Sun Boxed Set (2e)
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