This product is another example of what I really like about the DM Guild and what it can do. Having supplementary material to use in an existing campaign is a great way to extend the time you spend in that campaign and to customize a pre-released adventure to more closely resemble your taste.
So the product is good for having solid thematic enemies for an Out of the Abyss campaign, but more monsters in general aren't a bad thing either. These are all presented in a clear manner, and should be very usuable for any DM that wants to pop them into a campaign. Further, if you like drow or giants demons, these are great additions to those particular groups of monsters.
A lot of these creatures seem to take at least some inspiration from the 3rd edition mega-adventure City of the Spider Queen, but that's not a bad thing at all, and it makes sense when looking for thematic ties to a 5th edition Underdark adventure.
There is no art in this supplement, but its very clearly and attractively laid out, easy to read and use, in a format that should be familiar to anyone used to the 5th edition monster stat blocks. Defeinitely a recommended product, especially for GMs running Out of the Abyss.