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Two Page Mini Delve - Cave of Crystals $0.00
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Two Page Mini Delve - Cave of Crystals
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Two Page Mini Delve - Cave of Crystals
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by Wraith M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2019 13:54:10

I rather like this mini-delve because it can kind of serve as a better "random encounter" I can have any overland-travelling party stumble across rather than the formal quest it's presented as. I'd suggest the writers focus on making more "accidental side-quests", rather than having plot hooks, because two-page dungeons are too short to really hang a session on, but are perfect to have a random potentially interesting thing happen when an overland trek needs to be spiced up, or to make the players bust down a wall in their fortress's basement, and discover there's a crypt with undead down there.

That said for this particular dungeon, there's sort of a problem in that you've basically resolved the only non-player-created problem as soon as you defeat the first monster, and everything else is friendly. It's an open invitation for the players to screw something up and then suffer consequences for it... but there's no help with the consequences or stats or other mechanics for the sealed evil in the can if they let it into the world, so it's the set-up for a interesting finger-wagging punishment for bad player behavior lacking the actual punishment. If the consequences had at least suggestions for how it can be implemented, I'd give a more whole-hearted endorsement.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Two Page Mini Delve - Cave of Crystals
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by Mark Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/01/2016 16:04:01

I was able to weave this delve into the 5E Mine's of Phandelver. I placed the cave deep under the water of Area 16 in Wave Echo Cave. The flumphs were hard to explain, being there deep underwater, but I was able to weave the crystal creature into the explanation.

Now the group is considering flooding the cave, to prevent anyone/thing from using the area again...I am thinking that if they do this, it will crush the crystals and release undead, incorporeal creatures unto the cave. Furthermore, I had Mormesk harvesting the crystals, to use the necromantic energy to fuel the forge and flip its use.

Great stuff to work with. Really enjoyed the art of the map and look forward to how my PC's will figure things out and rid the world of these evil entities. Thanks for the inspiration. Downloading more of your work and will contribute, if able.

Also, I was able to quickly capture the map in 3DVTT on my iPad and import into the campaign immediately.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Two Page Mini Delve - Cave of Crystals
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/21/2016 21:56:21

I though that the scenario was a no win as described, since just about every possible outcome was worse than theone before.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for your review. I\'m sorry your players did not enjoy playing this delve. As a DM, I believe it\'s ok to place the PCs in situations where they have to choose between two (or more) non-ideal options - where there\'s no clear \"right choice.\" I know that giving players situations where there\'s a \"right choice to make in order to win\" is the default setting for D&D, I also know it\'s ok to put PCs in situations where they have to struggle a little bit with what they should do, and where there may not be a \"right\" option. This delve is the latter type of scenario. Ultimately, there\'s nothing preventing them from leaving the cave empty handed, with only a new NPC contact or even a flumph follower; in fact, if they were hired by someone to retrieve the crystals, returning empty handed presents some interesting follow up possibilities.
Two Page Mini Delve - Cave of Crystals
Publisher: Roving Band of Misfits Press
by Simon B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/06/2016 22:45:01

Just had a session of playing this mini delve -- lots of fun!

The campaign description states that the delve will take 1-2 hours, but our own took about 3 hours. The players seemed to really get invested in the world and got all curious as to why the crystals were cloudy, what the altar was for, what the pit was for, etc. The end part of the campaign (when all the spiders had been taken care of and Kurisha was appeased) ended up being a feud between the player who wanted to sneak the flumphs away and use them to clear the crystals, and the player who had fallen in love with the creatures and wanted no harm done to them! Eventually it was agreed that the party take on the crystals withut flumph aid, and managed to control the situation and get the crystals they came for.

I really underestimated this little dungeon. I thought it'd be a fun little diversion, but the players resonated with it very well. I'll definitely be giving them the other free campaigns soon, as well as picking up any new mini delves on release. Fantastic!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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