I was able to weave this delve into the 5E Mine's of Phandelver. I placed the cave deep under the water of Area 16 in Wave Echo Cave. The flumphs were hard to explain, being there deep underwater, but I was able to weave the crystal creature into the explanation.
Now the group is considering flooding the cave, to prevent anyone/thing from using the area again...I am thinking that if they do this, it will crush the crystals and release undead, incorporeal creatures unto the cave. Furthermore, I had Mormesk harvesting the crystals, to use the necromantic energy to fuel the forge and flip its use.
Great stuff to work with. Really enjoyed the art of the map and look forward to how my PC's will figure things out and rid the world of these evil entities. Thanks for the inspiration. Downloading more of your work and will contribute, if able.
Also, I was able to quickly capture the map in 3DVTT on my iPad and import into the campaign immediately.