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The Classic Dungeons and Dragons Game $8.95
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The Classic Dungeons and Dragons Game
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The Classic Dungeons and Dragons Game
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Sean M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/03/2022 09:46:17

"4 out of 5 stars"


-Includes the introductory solo adventure

-The complete regular Zanzers Dungeon Adventure (Link to map:

-Another adventure called Stonefast (You only need to add the monsters that fit your world design)

-Includes 60+ monsters stat

-Scan Quality is good

-formatted DM screen for easier printing

-Rules for passive healing


-No Zanzars dungeon map in the PDF (Which is noted in the description) as of March 3rd 2022.

-Missed some of the character standups

-Missing the poster that came in the original box (No big deal, more of a promotional thing)

Truthfully this is a decent buy in of itself. This pairs well with the Rules Cyclopedia and is a more digestable form of the same rules, which are really just reorganized Mentzer BECMI rules. This set will cover players and dungeon masters from Levels 1-5, contains all the necessary rules, 3 adventures, 70-ish monster stat blocks. All the classes are in the book, along with most of the spells they'll be able to access at levels 1-5.

Those of you who know about the evolution of "Basic" Dungeons & Dragons will know this is the 5th and final iteration of it. Though it may be said that this is just a repackaging of the 4th iteration (The New Easy to Master Dungeons and Dragons Box set, aka Black box D&D) with the Dragon Cards that were seperate from the rule book in the black box being put back into the book itself for this version(This was an improvement, the cards were kind of a pain to deal with alot of the times) These 2 sets may also be known as the Denning sets.

Worth a buy in my opinion, and probably the best rulebook to introduce new players to BECMI or the Rules Cyclopedia, though this would be better if it was POD.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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