Considering it costs 1 dollar, this supplement is absolutely amazing, and would be very amazing even if the cost was 3 dollars. The holidays are cool, while mostly standard fantasy fare they do jog your memory and creativity quite nicely. Blackstone really delivered once again. I definitely recommend this company as a whole and this supplement in particular. The only real downside is that it's not printer friendly.
While I wouldn't call them fantanstic, these are very good maps that save you the hassle of drawing something yourself, and you get 50 for one dollar. But they are rather basic, and need work to make them unique and memorable, but perfect in a pinch. All in all, good product.
As I have come to expect from Dan Coleman Productions, this is a very good adventure. It is very dark, and can easily be made into a full fledged horror adventure, something that is very difficult to achieve at such a high level. The atmosphere is gripping, even while I was reading it, and it will certainly be even more so for my players once they play through it. Also, considering that the adventure is set in a tower that rises suddenly from the center of a city, it is extremely easy to put into almost any campaign. All in all, a very good adventure. I recommend the rest of the Dungeons on Demand products as well.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the review! |
I finally got around to reading this, and it is great, even as an adventure on its own, but especially as a sidetrek. It introduces a rather standard fantasy village, but somehow manages to make it very charming. The armored goblins and the Goblem are very interesting too. I recommend this adventure to all DMs, especially those new to the art.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for taking the time to write a review, Danilo. I am glad you enjoyed the adventure. I set out to create something that could work as introductory material but would also bring in a couple of interesting twists to catch more seasoned players a little off guard. -Ross |
AMAZING! This is literally what I have been waiting for ever since I realized that the Ranger (Beast Master in particular) was underpowered. It gives me great satisfaction to say that these archetypes solve the problem for me. It's still the Ranger, so it may seem to some to still be underpowered, but I love it!
Very interesting, especially with Curse of Strahd coming out. It seems balanced with the Player's Handbook races, although the sunlight sensitivity is going to make them a lot less useful in many campaigns, kinda like the drow.
This series of documents doesn't cease to amaze. Really good archetypes that bring interesting things in the game. Can't wait to see the other 7 classes.
Some seem overpowered, but overall an excellent document for NPCs, and most of the archetypes can be used for PCs as well.
An excellent background, with everything that is necessary to make a detailed dark fantasy character, whether PC or NPC. Possibly a bit overpowered, depending on the setting.
While the fighting styles are very useful and interesting, the Guardian itself seems greatly underpowered.
While very interesting, I believe it to be underpowered, as it has very little offensive capability.
While the archetypes are as amazing as usual for this series, the Wild Shape Redux is, in my opinion, too underpowered to make Circle of the Moon druids useful.
While I am unfamiliar with this race, it is an interesting addition to those already present in the game, and especially useful for Rage of Demons. It seems slightly underpowered though, but it's Amorphous trait is certainly very useful.
A very useful tradition for NPCs (or evil PCs), especially for any campaigns within the Rage of Demons storyline.
Another excellent background, along with good advice to implement it within the campaign.