The layout is good; everything that should be on the same page is on the same page. Stat blocks are professional, fonts are not obnoxious. Very readable on a screen. Other DM's Guild contributors should take notes. My only complaint is that the picture of the Dread Wraith doesn't match the description.
Exactly as advertised, this is higher-level versions of staple Monster Manual creatures. You know exactly what you're getting here.
Many of the stat blocks are pretty uninspired; just stat blocks from the MM with bigger numbers. Theoretically, anyone with the MM and DMG could make these, so most of what you're paying for is the time-saving. That said, there are a few neat ideas in here, such as Middle-earth-style trolls. Also some of the monsters have legendary actions, so that's cool.
A great product. I want to see more like this. 5 stars.