I’ve been acquiring various TinyD6 books that are available on DriveThruRPG lately, trying to decide which TinyD6 book I want to run with my friends online during these days of self quarantine and lockdowns. I’m leaning towards something to use with a modern setting. So I decided to check out Stranger Stuff (by Lucus Palosaari and Rick Hershey).
I’ve read through it in just a couple of days and I really liked it. I wasn’t planning to run a Stranger Things or Goonies type game but this book is really tempting me to do so (or maybe a Supernatural (TV show) type game). And even if I don’t end up running one, I found there’s still lots of cool stuff and ideas in this book that are just useful for any TinyD6 game.
Here are some of the stuff I liked from the book:
- It uses the TinyD6 system (that’s a given)
- Toughness+Stress (interesting variation to hit points)
- Drawbacks (negative traits, could be useful to flesh out flawed characters)
- the GM adventure creation section with examples
- the Location rules (interesting simple ideas for creating your own town)
- the list of Stranger Stuff (made me think about how to create my own custom items of interest or artefacts for my own game)
- the Build-your-own-monster section (useful for building custom monsters even in other TinyD6 games)
- the included adventure made me think of how I could be writing adventures for my TinyD6 games
- I even liked the hand-drawn town map at the end of the book that you can colour-in and label as you like
At only 122 pages, it’s a complete game including the helpful GM stuff. I felt I got my money’s worth.