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B11 King's Festival (Basic)
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B11 King\'s Festival (Basic)
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B11 King's Festival (Basic)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Björn H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/18/2023 22:13:22

Very good scan for the most part. The colour sections look fine. Some art and maps are slightly blurred or hard to read, but I believe that's an issue with the original as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
B11 King's Festival (Basic)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Martin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/05/2017 11:52:15

spoiler alert As stated on the back cover, this is an introductory module to not only fantasy roleplaying, but also to the D&D basic rules. As such it contains several pages of reproducing useful rules to run the module as well as a section that can serve as players introduction to roleplaying and to the setting in which this adventure is located, The Grand Duchy of Karameikos. For DM who do not own this resource, an overview is provided. These sections are very useful and I have rarely seen so much care put into modules written in these years. Even the pre-generated characters have a generic background that adds flavor and helps playing them.

The adventure itself is pretty straightforward. After arriving in Stallanford, on their first night, the village is attacked by Orcs who kidnap the village's priest, Aralic, for their own unfathomable reasons. The characters are asked to help defeat the Orcs and save the priest who is the most important character in preparing the upcoming King's Festival. With or without help, the characters find the Orcs' lair and there thy can free Aralic if they can defeat the Orc Chief and his guards. Compared to other adventures I read that were published during these years, the room's description are very good and the advice on how to play the opposition and how to use the different rules (like morale) is very sound. The same can be said of the second level of the dungeon. All the encounters are detailed and fitting of the generic atmosphere of the dungeon.

The link between the two dungeon levels is a bit tenuous in that Aralic tells the characters the Orcs discovered an ancient evil in the caves below and he asks them to investigate after getting some rest. Unless the Orcs are confident they can repel said evil, it is hard to understand why they would elect to live so close to it. Of course, an experienced GM can elaborate and find a good excuse to have the Orcs live so close to an evil cleric commanding undead. Likewise, although both dungeons are caves, it would have been nice to provide some kind of background for the dungeon. Who used the second level as a crypt? Who lived there before the Orcs? Again, this is easily fixed and it does not prevent this module for being a very well written and extremely useful introductory module for both GMs and players. Actually, experienced GM looking to start a new campaign could easily add a bit of background around the dungeon and they would have a very good first adventure with most of the work done for them.

This adventure is one of the better adventure of the B-series in my opinion.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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