Unfortunately this adventure just doesn't work for me at all.
There's a ton of creativity here, but it's difficult to figure out what the creator meant in many places.
An example. While walking down the hall, a portcullis cuts the party in two! Is this meant to be special tests? 20 minute later I conclude no mechanism exists in the dungeon for raising the portcullis, so probably the party just has to force it up again somehow.
So it's just a time-waster. And there's no conjoined stuff going on nearby. Maybe it might be exciting if any wandering monsters show up, or if I decide to make some nearby kobolds be interested by the noise. But all the wandering monsters will be a TPK for the level 0 party with no weapons at this point (as per the adventure).
There's other clumsiness. i can't figure out how the dungeon levels connect. It's not stated, and the maps are ambiguous (and in places wrong). Sure I could wing it, but at that point I'm not sure what the maps are for. I can create my own at that point.
The first dungeon level features nearly unavoiadable NPCs who are described as soulless. It's implied that the party could theoretically end up fighting one of them, and more likely that they'll end up accompanying the players for a way. No stats are provided at all? I can make up stats for them sure but it's pretty weird when 2 rooms away there are extensive stats provided for a Lich that isn't even in the adventure. The author basically says "If you want to be a bastard to your players, you could make this skeleton a Lich... like these stats" complete with spell lists and magic items. It is quite haphazard to provide stats for what would be an immediate TPK (no stats needed) but none for NPCs who are expected to come with the players (they're described as combat-ready too!)
There are instant deaths everywhere. I can sort of understand instant deaths, especially when the players take an obvious risk. However in this case there are multiple problems. Many of these instant deaths involve no way for the players to know in advance (some may be fine with this). There are a large number of them so avoiding most is quite unlikely. To combine with this the given structure of the adventure (the party has been cut off entirely) means there is no means to replenish the party after a player's characters have died. Sure, I can retcon prisoners from the next room but this adventure might run out of rooms.
Meanwhile I'm fine with sexual themes being in adventures, but it seems awkward to me, in 2014, to presume that adventuers could only ever be interested in women, and that theme is repeated often. There are many female trophies to be had, and it's implied that the adventurerers must all be male. Ingoring gender themes in fantasy games seems fine with me, as does incorporating pulp themes of sex (provided all the players are on-board and comfortable), but doing it WHILE insisting that sex is primarily exploitative and only by men is pretty awkward. Of course another reader and party could see all this differently, but that's what I see here.
Overall, while there's a lot of creativity and good mood here, it's really just a confused sourcebook more than a coherent adventure. If you like pulp and remixed Lovecraft, then you may find it interesting as a pile of seeds, but running as an adventure would either require a careful cleanup, or more work to adjudicate on the fly than inventing from whole cloth.