The description of the book would seem to indicate that the focus of the spells is "playful". However, what's here is mostly "juvenile": Lightning Arse, Projectile Vomit and Vomit Coment. Some of it seems to ignore existing spells: Fog Bank seems like a bad version of Fog Cloud. The 7th level spell "Bad Fish" is a neat concept, but it's a "save or die" for any enemy creatures within 60 feet and it makes Prismatic Spray seem a little wimpy.
Beyond just the concepts, the book is in heavy need of editing.
- The pictures are wholly unrelated to the spells at hand. They are just make the text harder to read.
- The structure of a spell's text block is pretty specific in 5e, but this book just fails to follow that format. Some spells (like Lightning Arse, Nitwit) don't even describe what they do. Other spells, like Army Ants, fail to describe it well.
- Most spells have inconsistent or muddled structure around saves, successes and fails. Again, the PHB has a specific clean structure that the author has simply ignored.
- One spell has a spherical area of effect defined with diameter, but another spell simple has a "20 foot sphere".
Some spells just have the wrong power curve all together. For example, Vomit Comet is a 1st level spell that automatically causes a creature to be smashed into the ground and become prone. It also has some damage component with a save, but fails to acknowledge how brutal this is for flyers. There's also no indication of what this does to underwater creatures or creatures generally stuck to a surface that isn't the ground (Lizards?).