The last part of the first trilogy for season 8. though it could be run alone i would run all three or none at all.
seconds poart of the first trilagy for season 8. carries a lot of the baggage of the season 8 rules changes. map is not labelled which could cause a lot of issues the bonus missions are not dificult to add in and at least seem to fit in better than the ones in 8-1
first module to really showcase the season 8 rules and i find it lacking in many regards. Bonus missions seem almost just tacked on and don't flow
This is a great starter modeule . it has all 3 pillers social exploration combat
One of the three time travel Modules. None of which of very good but of the threee this one has the most potential
One of the three time travel Modules. None of which of very good. For a module set int the troll wars it is interesting that there is only 1 troll Not very much of a war. very puzzle heavy.
One of the three time travel Modules. None of which of very good But of the three this is by far the worst. Not a very good story. Every time i ran this the players had no idea what they were supposed to be doing
very cool dungeon crawl that ties in very closly with the hard cover from the seaon. Not sure i would play the module if I wasn't playing the harcover
This was very fun to both GM and to play. It was be vary from easy to very tough depending on what your group likes. Lots of chances for role playing
Unless you are going to run the majority of the season 4 molues I would stay away from them becuase of the barovia season issues with being stuck and the downtime cost for leaving. easpecially given that you only earn downtime when you level now and so have much less downtime
Unless you are going to run the majority of the season 4 molues I would stay away from them becuase of the barovia season issues with being stuck and the downtime cost for leaving. easpecially given that you only earn downtime when you level now and so have much less downtime
One of 2 seaon 4 molules can be run without much worry about being stuck in Baravia. One of many modules with Jenny Greenteeth.
Very needed addional info packet for the molule that had a lot of issues
Very good resource for running Mulmaster adventures not just season2 molues but there are several CCC that either start or occur in Mulmaster
This mulue ties in very closly with story elements from season 1 and some of the things will not make as much sence to those who have not played any of the season1 moldules