Print quality was excellent, in fact, one of the better scanned image files I have seen. However, in terms of content, I don't think this adventure has aged particularly well.
The adventure has good bones but there are a lot of minor issues throughout. This adventure suffers, in my opinion, from assuming too much in terms of what the players will do and encourages the DM to have certain things happen regardless of whether the players take precautions, it projects feelings and actions on players, has several deus ex machinas that make no sense, and is a tightly-controlled railroad while giving the appearance of being a sandbox.
To be clear, I don't mind railroad adventures. Tracks serve their purpose and can make for a fun game. Everyone buys a ticket because they want to go to the same destination. However, what I don't like in adventures is when I buy a ticket to go on the trip and end being told what window I will get to looked out of, how I will feel when I see the scenery, which snacks I will eat on the trip, etc. This adventure sufferes from this sort of presentation and delivery.
Lastly, this adventure contains numerous save or die effects throughout the adventure. Some find this to be a feature. I don't mind save or die effects, but this adventure is loaded to the gills with them. That's either good for you or not. To me, it's not.
This adventure is a neat time capsule and has fun ideas within, but can't say I would ever run this adventure or be particularly thrilled to play it.